Soldier Up

Soldier Up by Unknown Read Free Book Online

Book: Soldier Up by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
air assault but not much more.  Their MOS’s are such that they are doing the job they signed up for, but what you used to do, no way, not even close to being comparable.”
                  John sat there he didn’t really understand the medical hold, he felt great, he had no physical or mental problems he was aware of.  He was running his five miles a day and spending a couple of hours a day at the gym.  The Army shrink said that he was fine, no mental imbalances other than wanting to still be on SFOD-D.
                  Major MacCoy showed him to his desk which was far removed from the others who were mostly Senior NCOs and Company Grade Officers.  He looked around and did what Major MacCoy suggested and he was right.  There were no tabs at all, but everyone was jump qualified with a smattering of air assault here and there.  Major MacCoy gave him a bunch of binders to read through, he also told him if he lasted over a week then he would try to get him his own office.  He didn’t really want to ask why a week, he surmised that’s probably how long the other operators lasted before heading out if not earlier.
                  He read through all of the binders by the end of the day, he felt brain dead after it.  He wondered why they didn’t have all this crap online.  It was after 1700 and he saw that Major MacCoy was still in his office.  He walked over and knocked on the door jamb because the door was actually open.
                  “You know you don’t have to really do that if the door is open you can come in, we’re both Majors after all.” Said MacCoy smiling.
                  John chuckled to himself, “I finished reading everything in the binders, that’s some pretty dry stuff.”
                  “Really, you’re done? You actually read it?” MacCoy was surprised.
                  “Yeah I read it, why isn’t it all online or in some app?” asked John.
                  “Wow, I’m really impressed I don’t know the last time anyone read it, the other operators refused to even crack them open.  Well….the reason they aren’t online or an app is because we don’t have the resources to do it and you know the Army, if its ass backwards we like it!”
                  “Do you mind if I give it a shot? Since I have to be here.”
                  Major MacCoy was confused, “I’m sorry give what a shot?”
                  John laughed, “Put the stuff on line.”
                  “You can do that?”
                  John laughed again, “Yeah sure it’s no problem.”
                  “No seriously, you can do it?”
                  “Yes I can do it; I have Computer Science Degree from Penn State.  Before I got all gung-ho I was the biggest computer nerd. I used to do this type of stuff for fun.”
                  “Well yeah, go ahead and knock yourself out.”
                  “Can I take the binders home so I can work on it? I need an IDE like Visual Studios or Eclipse to do it depending on the language.  Do you have a preference online or desktop app? And I would need to work on it with my own laptop, is that ok?” John was really into it.
                  “Honestly Major I have no idea what you just said, but yeah you can take the binders home and yeah use your own laptop I don’t think it will be an issue, the binders aren’t classified.  We can get you a pass to bring your laptop in and out.”
                  John smiled, “Great, well let me grab them then I’m going to head out, ok?”
                  “Yeah sure, of course.” Major MacCoy wondered what the hell just happened.

Chapter Eight
    John got home and made a couple of telephone calls to the SFOD-D IT Department Help Desk.  He was told he would need to talk to some

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