Some Bear to Love: BBW Bear Shifter (BWWM) Romance Standalone

Some Bear to Love: BBW Bear Shifter (BWWM) Romance Standalone by Terry Bolryder Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Some Bear to Love: BBW Bear Shifter (BWWM) Romance Standalone by Terry Bolryder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Bolryder
boat swayed. When she was safely inside and seated on the chair next to the captain’s chair, he untied the ropes holding them close to the other boat and let it out so they could drift away from the yacht.
    The dinghy was a little large to be called a dinghy. It had only the two seats, plus a wide bottom and a motor on the back. They often towed it along on longer trips in case someone needed to go for tools or gas or help or something.
    He could still remember the feel of riding out here, chasing the wayward woman who’d stolen his boat. How angry he’d felt but also how excited. His life had been one thing for so long, and even though it was uncomfortable to be different, he was sort of glad it was. And unsure how he would go back to normality after this.
    He moved the cooler that made a makeshift bench onto the captain’s seat, reached under the bow to grab a few blankets they kept under there, and laid them on the bottom of the boat. There would be just enough room to hold her. They might not be able to do everything, but under the cover of darkness, they could still do a whole lot.
    He took her hand and helped her down onto the soft makeshift bed he’d made. He wished he could give her something even greater.
    In the darkness, he could just make out the shape of her body, but he was reassured that no one from the boat would be able to see them at all.
    He couldn’t stand for anyone else to be able to see her. She splayed beneath him with a small smile and one arm over her head. Beautifully naked and reassured. He lowered himself down with her. It was so much easier to be stupid in the darkness.

    O h , she’d wanted this for so long. She couldn’t even say why or how. It wasn’t just that he was a walking fantasy, that his hard naked body was more than she’d ever imagined. Here in the darkness, it was quiet and private. There were clouds in the sky, obscuring the stars, so she could barely make out the outline of his body. But still, she knew him. She reached up to feel along his sleek, damp, hugely muscled arms as he knelt over her. He was so tall, so powerful, and his hair whipped in the slight wind.
    She could make out faint light behind him from the boat, but it would just make them more invisible in the darkness to anyone who was used to the light.
    No one would guess they were out here in this little boat, about to make love like their lives depended on it. At least she thought so. Why else would he have taken care to give them privacy, to lay out clean towels for her comfort? Not that she cared about comfort. All she really knew was if he didn’t touch her with those strong hands again or kiss her with that strong mouth, she was going to explode. She might explode either way.
    He leaned forward, grabbing her other hand to pull it up with the one above her head. He pinned both there in one of his and leaned forward to kiss her again. This time their naked bodies met, his thighs over hers, his chest rubbing her taut nipples. The sensation was nearly unbearable, and she writhed against him.
    He simply growled and pressed back her hands, as if to remind her who was in charge. Well, that was fine, but he couldn’t expect her to simply lie there. She nipped his lower lip as he pulled back to come in for another kiss, and his hand tightened on hers. Not hurting her, but just letting her feel the strength of them.
    Yes, my mate, her bear murmured.
    But we aren’t allowed to choose, she replied. So just one night.
    One night is never enough, the bear answered, coming close to the surface. Kim could almost feel her teeth changing, but she resisted the shift. The closer to shifting she was, the more she realized this beautiful man on top of her was hers and hers alone, forever. And that was just too painful to think about.
    He parted her lips and kissed her more deeply as a hand slipped between her legs to play in her folds. He slipped a finger over her center and rubbed lightly, making her arch and moan

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