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Book: SomeLikeitHot by Stephanie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie
her intently.
    She released a pent up breath and shook her head.

    “Okay then, but remember you asked. I met Troy right after I graduated from college and it was love at first sight. I fell head over heels for him. We dated for about a year in a half and I knew he was the one. But once another year had gone by I started to think the feelings might not be mutual. So one night I asked him about his plans for the future and if he ever thought about getting married.” Naja paused, recalling the conversation vividly.

    “His response was not what I expected. Troy told me when he met the right woman, he
    would love to get married. When I asked him if he thought I could be the right woman, he didn’t hesitate to tell me an emphatic no. It crushed me. I’d given my relationship with him everything I had. I thought we were happy, but it was clearly one-sided.”
    She emitted a humorless laugh. “After that conversation I was numb. I didn’t even care why he didn’t feel as though I was a woman he’d want to marry. I just needed to get as far away from him as possible at that time. What shocked me was when I met him a few days later to call the relationship off, he resisted. He didn’t think we should break-up. Troy thought we should stay together until he found someone suitable to marry. I threw my drink in his face and walked out. I never spoke to him again.”

    “And you’ve never allowed anyone into your heart after that point,” Sterling replied.

    It wasn’t a question, but a statement.

    “No, I haven’t. I focused on getting my business off the ground. I figured I would throw my energy into something I was passionate about.”

    “Seems like you made the right decision.”

    She nodded. “I did.”

    “So be honest—”

    Laughter echoed in the hallway right outside the door. Before she could blink, Sterling pulled her to her feet and toward a door that wouldn’t take them out of the room. Instead they ended up in a darkened half empty closet.

Chapter Six

    Her heart froze in her chest as someone entered the room. A short time later the sound of muted voices reached her ears. They didn’t belong to her sister or Carson. She frowned, wondering who it was. So far it only seemed they were talking, but perhaps she should make her presence known to be certain that’s all they did.

    She turned to suggest it to Sterling, but in the pitch dark she hadn’t realized his face was turned her way. Instead of his ear, her lips came in contact with a hair-covered skin. She experienced the shock of it through her lips. Had she brushed his cheek? There’d been a boniness and an indentation. His chin. Her lips had brushed his chin.

    In the split second it took her brain to decode the shockingly delicious sensations, he’d lowered his chin and brought his lips down on hers. The humming shock jumped from her lips like an electric charge zipping around her body, creating more sparks.

    If he’d had any idea how hot and bothered she’d become, being in such close proximity, he never would’ve kissed her. The effect on her system was akin to splitting the atom. And he didn’t know about her little problem yet. Oh, but he soon would if they didn’t stop now.

    But how could she pull away when his firm lips controlled her mouth with casual mastery?
    His hands, those wonderful, warm, capable hands traveled lightly up her arms, more to see her by touch, she thought, than in any intent to caress. But everywhere he touched she felt caressed. She wished she had a braille sign imprinted on her body for him to read. Back off before it’s too late.

    Her skin was ultrasensitive, as though she could feel the blood pulsing, warm and full of life, just under the surface.

    He brought his hands up to cup her cheeks, holding her head in place, his thumbs resting at the corners of her mouth.

    She shouldn’t be doing this. They shouldn’t be doing it. He’d completely misunderstood her intentions, thinking she’d made a pass

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