
Soulmates by Mindy Kincade Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Soulmates by Mindy Kincade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mindy Kincade
Tags: young adult fantasy romance
most of the room leaving barely enough space for the small chest that was against the wall in the corner. In the far side of the bedroom stood a wooden ladder that led up to a much bigger room in the loft.
    Jesse grabbed the pot from the fireplace and took it outside. Paulette anxiously waited until he was out of sight.
    “I think that he just might like you. And believe me, that Jesse now, he’s a hard catch,” she laughed.
    “Oh yeah, is that right?” Presley grinned slightly, acting as if she wasn’t at all interested.
    “Well, Sarah has been after him as long as I’ve been here,” Paulette continued.
    Presley quickly looked up at Paulette and before she knew it said, “Who’s Sarah?”
    Paulette grinned, “Well, they both came here around the same time and they both keep things running smoothly in the town. She’s a hard worker, I’ll give her that. But I can’t stand her! She’s gorgeous. She’s gorgeous and she will make sure that you are aware of it."
    “Yeah, I’m quite familiar with those types of girls,” Presley rolled her eyes.
    “Just wait ‘til Sarah sees you with Jesse!” Paulette gleamed. “I’ve got to be there to witness that!” she chuckled.
    Jesse walked back into the room with the black pot full of water and hung it back on the hook over the fireplace. The girls were quiet as he chucked several hot coals into the fireplace. He went to the wood box, picked up two big logs, one under each arm, and threw them into the fire. Jesse took one of the chairs from underneath the kitchen table and joined the girls around the fireplace.
    “You thirsty, Presley? I’ll get you a drink.” Paulette got up and went into the kitchen leaving Presley and Jesse alone.
    “So how long have you been here?” Presley asked him.
    “I’ve been here a long time,” he answered with a grin.
    “How long?” she pressed.
    “1842. Like I said, it was a long time ago.”
    “1842? Is that what you said?” she asked astonished.
    “Yes, I’ve been here for 168 years,” Presley looked at him mystified by his response.
    “I’m so confused. Where are we? I really need to get back home,” she said nervously.
    Paulette came back into the room with two glasses of water. “That’s what I’ve been saying for years! How do we get back home?” she asked with a feisty tone.
    Jesse shook his head and sighed, “Paulette, how many times do we have to go through this? I don’t know how to get back! Don’t you think if I knew how I would’ve gone back years ago?” he said, aggravated at her tenacious attitude.
    “I think you gave up on finding a way back,” Paulette snapped. “If the people you loved were still alive today you would want to go back too. Am I right?” Paulette pressed.
    “Of course I would. I understand your frustration, Paulette. Believe me, I felt the same frustration for many years." Jesse hesitated for a moment, “There really is only one person that can help you two if you are both determined on going back. We need to work together to find out the answers.”
    “Who is this person?” Presley asked.
    “Manna,” he replied.
    “Okay. Let’s go talk to Manna,” Presley stated.
    “Wait, it’s not that simple. Manna has been here longer than anyone we know. We don’t even know of anyone who has actually seen Manna,” Paulette said.
    “Then how do you know about him?” asked Presley.
    Jesse walked over to the fireplace, and put his hand inside the pot to feel the water.
    “The water’s ready. Listen. I’ll make you a bath and then we’ll fill you in,” he promised. He lifted the pot and walked outside.
    “Let me get you some clean clothes.” Paulette went into an adjacent room and returned with a plain cotton white nightgown and underwear.
    “Come on,” Paulette said. Presley got up from the chair, placed her cell phone on the table, and followed Paulette outside. Beside Paulette’s house was a much smaller structure.
    “There you go, Presley. Take a nice hot

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