within half an hour. Analise’s next call was to Katie.
"You ready?" Katie asked rather than saying hello.
"Not quite. I – I had a little problem."
"Now don't you start. I know that dress is a little sexier than you originally wanted but it looks fantastic on you and—"
"My room was trashed. All of my stuff was destroyed."
"When I got back to my room it'd been trashed. My laptop and Kindle are gone and all my clothes have been cut up."
"Do. Not. Move. I'm on my way."
Analise couldn't help but smile. One thing about Katie was that she was there for a friend through thick and thin. She no more had time to get her purse and phone before there was a tap at the door.
Katie threw her arms around Analise. "Are you okay? Oh honey, this is awful. Just awful. Did you call the manager? What about the police?"
Analise thought she'd been doing well until that moment. All at once she felt tears gather and she clung to Katie for a moment. She fought to get herself composed and then pulled back.
"Yes. He's already been here. Now don't fret, okay? It's just stuff. It can all be replaced. And so what if I don't dress up for the dinner? I have jeans and stuff in the RV. After the police come I'll just take my case and go down to get what I need for tonight and tomorrow." That sounded like a strong, independent woman. She was amazed she'd pulled it off and that her nose hadn't grown several inches. Inside she was a quivering bunch of nerves.
"Screw the event. That lunatic could be out there, lurking in the hotel. My god, someone sliced up your clothing. You can’t stay in this room Analise. You’re moving in with me."
That was the most welcome offer Katie could have made. Analise knew she’d never sleep a wink in that room.
"Sure I can."
"No. No. We're not going."
"Katie, you've been looking forward to this for-"
"I said we're not going. We’ll get you moved into my room as soon as the police leave. Where are they by the way?”
“They’ll be here any time.”
“Well good. Honey, this thing feels like a threat. And that doesn’t make any sense. Why would someone – oh my god. Rick! Analise do you think he set this up? He was really mad about you taking that money. What if—“
“No. He wouldn’t do something like this.”
“You sure? That recording you sent me sounded pretty bad. You even said your attorney listened to it and said it was threatening. And if you really think he’s in bed with some bad people then—“
“Katie, no." Analise couldn’t let her mind go there. Rick might be upset with her, but he’d never arrange for something like this.
“Well, someone has a grudge against you for something. You don’t have any psycho fans, do you?
“Not that I know of.”
Just then a knock sounded at the door. Analise and Katie looked at one another and then Analise called out. “Yes?”
“San Antonio police.”
She looked through the peephole on the door. There were two uniformed officers standing outside the door, one male and one female. She opened it and stepped back. “Thank you for coming.”
They walked in and noticed Katie. Analise quickly introduced Katie and launched into an explanation on what had happened. She expected them to write it down, have her sign a form and be done with it.
She did not expect them to call in a crime tech unit to dust for fingerprints and gather evidence. The seriousness they displayed made her nervousness grow into full-blown fear. By the time the crime techs and left, she was close to the end of her rope. They’d taken her belongings with them as evidence, leaving her only with the clothes on her back, her purse and her phone.
“Thank you so much." Analise said to the two officers. “And I hate to ask but would you consider going with me to the parking lot? My RV is there and I need to get some clothes.”
“It’s probably be smart for us the check your vehicle." The female officer said.
“I’ll go with you," Katie
Traitors Kiss; Lovers Kiss