Southern Comfort (9781622863747)

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Book: Southern Comfort (9781622863747) by Skyy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Skyy
the window. She began scanning the coffee shop for a place to sit.
    An American, Willow thought. No wonder she hadn’t seen anyone like her before; she wasn’t from London.
    â€œI’m guessing you are new to London and our weather,” Willow spoke out. She couldn’t believe she actually said something to the woman.
    The sexy specimen turned her head to the voice she just heard. Her eyes widened. There sat a beautiful chick staring at her. She wondered when she was going to see one of the London hot lesbians she’d seen pictures of online but up until then all she’d seen was white chicks or really butch black women. This girl was definitely different.
    â€œYeah, I knew it was called dreary London but this is ridiculous. It came out of nowhere.” The woman walked closer to the table.
    Willow smiled and nodded her head. “It happens. FYI: always carry an umbrella.” Willow and the girl both laughed. Not only was she gorgeous but she had a beautiful smile to match. “Would you like to have a seat?” Willow asked.
    The woman sat down at the empty chair at the small, round table. She put her carrier bag on the windowsill. “Hello, my name is Katrina, but most people call me Tree,” Katrina said as she extended her hand.
    Willow put her palm in Katrina’s. She felt an electric pulse run through her body. Who was this girl and why was she having this effect on her? “I’m Willow; most people call me Willow.” Willow smiled.
    â€œThat’s cute.” Katrina smiled back.
    The two locked eyes again. Willow could feel her body heating up. Katrina was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen outside of television. Willow couldn’t help wonder where the other half was. She knew someone that fine couldn’t be single. “So what brings you to London?”
    â€œOh, food actually.” Katrina glanced at the menu. “I’m a chef and I’m opening a restaurant in Memphis, Tennessee, so I decided to come over to Europe for a month to see the sights and taste the cuisine. I’ve been in London for three days; next up is Paris tomorrow.”
    Willow wanted to scream. The perfect woman walks in and sits at her table and she meets her on her final day. “Have you had anything good here?”
    Katrina shrugged her shoulders. “Honestly, it’s been okay. I am still wrapping my head around the fact that no one puts ice in drinks.” They both laughed.
    â€œSorry to hear that. We have some great food places actually.”
    â€œYeah, that’s too bad. I’ve wanted something good but best I’ve found was fish and chips.”
    â€œHead over to Nando’s and get some piri piri chicken.” Willow batted her long natural eyelashes.
    â€œNando’s? Yeah, I need to check that out. I love piri piri chicken,” Katrina said not taking her eyes off Willow’s big brown eyes.
    The connection was obvious. The two chatted as if they were old friends catching up after a long time apart. They couldn’t believe how much they had in common. Both loved food, traveling, and fashion. Willow told Katrina all about hot spots in various European countries she had visited. Katrina found herself admiring the well-traveled Willow. Although she could tell that Willow came from a certain type of wealth, she didn’t come out like an arrogant rich chick.
    â€œSo if you love the countryside so much why are you even here in the big city?” Katrina asked Willow as she walked back to the table with two more coffees.
    Willow’s face dropped. She thought about her father. “Well after my father passed I decided to come back into the city and start working on my career again. I am a fashion designer.”
    â€œReally? Man, that’s cool. I love fashion.” Katrina nodded her head.
    â€œI can tell; you have a very unique look about yourself. It was the first thing I noticed.” Willow wanted to

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