Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Aaron's Honor (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Men of Mercy Book 8)

Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Aaron's Honor (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Men of Mercy Book 8) by Lindsay Cross Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Aaron's Honor (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Men of Mercy Book 8) by Lindsay Cross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay Cross
to fit her entire apartment back home inside. The shower was completely made from glass and took up the center of the room, almost like the masterpiece. She eased the sensuously soft low cut nightgown off and stepped inside. The deep V of the gown had clearly exposed the deepening bruises on her chest, but she’d hadn’t cared. Just wearing something that felt like home had been worth having to fight to ignore the evidence of her near rape.
    That thought spurred her into motion and she washed quickly. No matter how much she wanted to savor the hot water, she wanted to go home more. When she emerged, wrapped in a towel, Solana stood waiting. “I've brought your clothing for today. You must keep yourself covered from the moment you leave the room.”
    Celine glanced at the blue garment laid out on the bed and cringed. “No way. Your dad brought me new clothing to wear today.” She glanced around for the fashionable jeans and blouse.
    “You want to go home, then you put it on.”
    “Where is your father? I need to talk to him.”
    “My father has wasted enough time on you.”
    “I'm not wearing that.”
    “Then you won't leave this room,” Solana said and Celine got the distinct impression the girl smirked behind her mask.
    “I demand to see Mr. Mankel.” Celine crossed her arms and lifted her chin.
    “What more do you want from him? He saved your life, you expect him to completely interrupt his schedule for your every little whim? You Americans are so full of yourself.” Solana stepped forward, her gown floating around her like a ghost.
    Celine clenched her hands into fists at her sides and tried to remember this was not her home. She would be on a plane to the United States today and never have to see this horrible place or this horrible girl again. “Fine. I'll wear it. But only over my new clothes and as soon as I'm on that plane, I'm trashing it.”
    Solana hovered so close to her she caught a glimpse of her wide eyes through the fine grill of material and felt the first surge of satisfaction. “Here.” Solana opened a nearby mahogany trunk, pulled out Celine’s clothing and tossed it to her.
    Celine caught her jeans mid-air, grabbed the burka off the bed and marched back into the bathroom to dress.
    Before she knew it she was standing before the floor length mirror staring at herself through the masked head scarf, fighting off the grips of claustrophobia. Breathe. Just until you get on the plane.
    Celine emerged from the bathroom and stood stiff while Solana walked in a slow circle around her. “Good. Follow me. Keep your eyes lowered and do not speak to anyone.”
    “How would anyone know if I had my eyes lowered or not in this thing?” Celine countered.
    Solana kept quiet for once and strode from the room, leaving Celine to chase after her. Caroline might already be waiting and then they'd be on their way home, together.
    Solana hurried down the hall and Celine limped along behind her, catching quick flashes of tall marble statues and beautiful paintings.
    “Keep up, I don't have all day.” Solana's sharp words snapped Celine back to the present. Solana turned a corner, her blue robes swishing behind her and then they were outside, surrounded by potted plants and bright tropical looking flowers. Huge fountains dotted the courtyard and a black Land Rover, like the one that brought her here, sat parked and waiting, two burly men in black suits standing guard.
    “Where is Caroline?” Celine stopped a few feet away.
    “She's being escorted down, get in the car.” Solana gestured to the open back door.
    “I'm not getting in there without Caroline.” Everything about this morning was wrong. Mr. Mankel should have been here. Caroline should be here. Solana gestured to one of the men and Celine's chest tightened as she stumbled back a step.
    “Stupid Americans always so bossy. Well you won't be for long, your new owner will see to that.”
    “What are you talking about?”
    “You'll find out soon

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