Spellbound Falls

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Book: Spellbound Falls by Janet Chapman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Chapman
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
come close to paying what you’re used to.” She forced herself to look at him again and even managed to smile, albeit sheepishly. “I already spent the check you sent us, so I can’t exactlygive some of it back to let you work for room and board.”
If her smile had been sheepish, his was downright smug. “What if I said I’d be willing to work for extra parenting advice?”
“I believe I mentioned when you called two weeks ago that we’d be hard-pressed to give you and Henry much attention as it was.” She shook her head. “I have no idea what Eileen was thinking when she insisted on letting you arrive early, considering she’s scrambling to finish her dissertation before camp starts up again. And next week she’s heading to a couple of universities to interview interns for this year’s program. Then she wants to work with our cook when he arrives, to figure out what we’re going to feed everyone so he can stock the kitchen. I’m sorry; I just don’t see how she can find any extra time.”
“But that’s exactly why my offer makes sense. My working with you throughout the day will give me access to all those wonderful pearls of wisdom on parenting you sprinkle around like a fresh gentle rain.” He arched a brow when she started gaping at him again. “Which, I assure you, I’m eager to soak up like a thirsty sponge,” he said, his eyes so vivid now they were practically glowing.
She burst out laughing before she could stop herself.
Was this guy for real? Or simply so determined to get his way that now he was stooping to good old-fashioned,
She held up the pipe wrench. “I’m not the brains of this operation, Mac, I’m just the brawn. Eileen is better equipped to answer your questions. Because the truth is, I’ve been known to turn tail and run when I see Sophie headed my way wearing a certain expression.” She crawled back onto her hands and knees, hoping he’d get the hint and leave. “So if you’re looking for something to do, maybe when everyone comes back from town you and Henry could walk to the main road and look for moose. And while you’re at it, you could have a nice little chat about… oh, I don’t know; maybe about him calling you
instead of
Of course he didn’t leave, because that would mean he’d actually been
to her. Instead he swiped the wrench from her hand and shouldered her out of the way, then reached into the closet without having to contort so much as a muscle—although Olivia did see several of them bunch with seemingly little effort just as she heard a deep metallic squeak followed by a really loud snap.
Okay; because she wasn’t a complete idiot, maybe she’d hold off a bit before
telling Mac the only thing he’d be soaking up like a sponge would likely be dripping from his cabin ceiling the next time it rained.
And if he still wouldn’t take no for an answer… well, maybe a couple of days spent replanking two hundred twenty feet of docks would change his mind.
Because honest to God, if she wasn’t careful, Olivia was afraid she might start wondering what it would be like to replace that big leather jacket with the big strong man who owned it.

Chapter Four

Olivia was so exhausted she could barely keep her eyes opened as she leaned against the bathroom doorjamb to supervise Sophie’s bedtime ritual. Her daughter, however, was so wound up she hadn’t stopped talking even while brushing her teeth.
“I wish you could have seen Henry’s face when Gram let us go to the bookmobile and he found that book of baby names,” the girl said from inside her pajama top. Her head popped out, sporting a huge grin. “He was so excited he wouldn’t even look at anything else the librarian tried to show him. He said that one book would keep him busy for weeks while he tries out all the different names.”
“Tries them out on whom? Are you letting Henry name Tinkerbelle’s kittens?”
Sophie stopped with her

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