Spent (Wrecked #2)

Spent (Wrecked #2) by Charity Parkerson Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Spent (Wrecked #2) by Charity Parkerson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charity Parkerson
had witnessed the power of magic. She didn’t know what she was looking for—exactly, but Bailey knew she had to find a way to escape Lucien. As much as she still loved him, they’d be one-sided for all of eternity if she couldn’t find a way to even the playing field.
    Sol reappeared, arms laden with different herbs. He dumped his haul on the desk and set to work. Bailey spent a minute tapping her fingers on the book, trying to make up her mind while watching Sol chop and mix. Coming to a decision, she went out on a limb.
    “May I borrow this?”
    Sol didn’t bother to glance up from the concoction he was making. “No offense, but I don’t loan my books. The spines end up creased. People dog-ear pages, spill food on them, or simply disappear. My books are like old friends. I think about them from time to time and wonder where they’ve ended up after they’re gone.” He finally met her gaze. “Feel free to read it here, if you’d like.”
    Taking him at his word, Bailey snatched up the book and ran to the chair. With her feet tucked beneath her, she balanced it on her knees and flipped through the pages.
    “Do you believe in magic?”
    It was Bailey’s turn to keep her eyes glued on what she was doing. “Of course. Not only was I born and raised in New Orleans, my mom practiced witchcraft and read tarot cards. Do you think any of these spells work?”
    Sol chuckled. “Of course. I wrote it.”
    Bailey’s head shot up. “Seriously?” Sol’s expectant expression made her wonder if he’d been waiting for her reaction. Obviously getting the one he wanted, Sol’s smile turned bright.
    “Yes. Seriously. Now, whether they’ll work for you remains to be seen, but I’m not against you trying.”
    “Too bad you won’t let me borrow it. There’s no way I can commit all this to memory.”
    Without responding, Sol went back to his task. As she looked on, he pulled a small sachet from inside his desk and scooped the concoction into it before pulling the string tight. Sol stood and moved to her side. For a full minute, he simply stood over her, staring at her as if mulling over a problem.
    “I said you couldn’t borrow it, but I never said you couldn’t have it.” Before she could ask a single question, Sol snagged the book from her lap and set it aside. “Here’s the thing,” he said, pulling Bailey to her feet. “If you want it, you have to do a few things for me first.”
    Common sense stopped her from agreeing immediately. “What sort of things?”
    A dimple appeared at the corner of Sol’s mouth as he visibly fought not to smile. “Don’t sound so suspicious. It’s nothing too horrible.”
    While still clinging to Sol’s hands, Bailey squared her shoulders. “Okay, shoot.”
    “First, tell me why you want it.”
    She really didn’t want to. “I thought you said it was nothing too terrible,” Bailey said with a nervous chuckle.
    Sol tightened his hold on her hands. “Nothing could be simpler. You can tell me anything. No judgments. I doubt there’s anything you can do I haven’t done times ten.”
    With a snort, Bailey shook her head. “Ugh. I feel a little stupid, but I need to ward my home against unwanted spirits.”
    Sol’s gaze moved over her face. “Once again, I need to point out that apartment isn’t your home, but if you’re determined, I’m sure you’ll find something inside to help you.” He took a step closer. His face darkened. Bailey fought the urge to take a step back. “Next thing, I’m about to kiss you again. I need you to brace yourself because I’m not holding back this time. My powers can be overwhelming.”
    Sol covered her mouth with his before the taunt finished leaving her lips. His warning wasn’t enough. Not by a longshot. If the flames of hell were made of pleasure, then she was burning alive. She could feel each stroke of his tongue against every inch of her skin. Her channel pulsed in time with his exploration of her mouth. If

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