Stable Hearts

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Book: Stable Hearts by Bonnie Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Bryant
exercise this winter. Don’t worry, Carole. Whatever it is, we’ll take care of it. He’ll be feeling fine soon.”
    “I hope so,” Carole said. “And Mrs. Reg? Mr. Stowe’s working really hard.” She didn’t want Mrs. Reg to get too annoyed with him. He really was a nice old man.
    To Carole’s surprise, Mrs. Reg made an irritated face. “Yes, he seems very interested in working, doesn’t he?” she said.
    Now, what
, wondered Carole,
is the matter with that?

“S O , C AROLE , I’ M glad you didn’t tell Mrs. Reg that we weren’t riding today,” Stevie said, a touch sarcastically, as she went into Belle’s stall. It was Tuesday afternoon. Stevie’s horse had apparently lain down in her stall overnight, because her back was covered with manure stains and pieces of sawdust bedding. Stevie sighed as she began to brush it off.
    Carole ran her hand affectionately down Starlight’s nose. “No, I wouldn’t give up a riding lesson, not even for Mrs. Reg!” She thought for a moment, then corrected herself. “Well, I would, but only if she asked me. I wouldn’t volunteer.”
    “I haven’t seen Mr. Stowe today,” Lisa said. “Maybe it will be a nice, normal day.”
    Just then someone screamed. It was a long, sad scream, more of a wail really, and it came from the indoor arena. The Saddle Club dropped their brushes and ran to investigate. They got to the gate of the arena just in time to see Dime careening past, riderless, with a wild look in his eye. The stirrups of his empty saddle banged against his sides as he ran.
    “Oh, no,” moaned Lisa. “Not again.”
    “Who fell off?” Stevie asked.
    “One of the little kids,” Carole realized. “Look. It’s Jessica.” On Tuesday afternoons Max taught a group of younger riders before he taught the lesson that The Saddle Club took. Inside the arena, five little kids were carefully holding their horses or ponies at a halt while Dime galloped in circles around them. In the center of the arena, Jessica was sitting on one of the fences, sobbing, while Max tried to console her.
    Carole opened the gate. “Max, is she hurt?” she called. “Shall I get Mrs. Reg to call an ambulance?” They’d never had a serious accident at Pine Hollow, but Carole knew it could happen.
    Max shook his head. “She’s okay, she’s just upset,” he said. “Could you three catch that pony before he spooks someone else’s horse?”
    “Dime bucked Jessica off twice,” Liam informed them. “He bucked her off, and she got back on, and he bucked her off

    It’s no wonder she’s crying
, Lisa thought. Falling off was always embarrassing and sometimes scary; poor Jessica had to be completely demoralized. Lisa walked toward Dime quietly, making soothing noises. Carole and Stevie did the same thing. Dime didn’t want to be caught, but with three people after him he didn’t have much choice. As soon as Carole grabbed his reins, he gave up the fight and stood quietly. Lisa and Stevie ran the stirrups up on both sides of the saddle; then they led Dime back to Jessica.
    “Okay,” Jessica said, gulping back tears. “I’ll try again.”
    Max put his arm around her shoulder. “I’m proud of you for saying that, and I think you’re a very good rider,” he said. “I also think Dime is not going to behave today, and I don’t think you’re going to be able to have a good lesson with him. It’s not your fault. I’d like you to get a different pony for the rest of the lesson.”
    Jessica looked relieved. “Okay, Max. But I would ride Dime.”
    “I know you would, I just don’t think you should have to.” Max looked up at The Saddle Club. “Could you guys take Dime in and get Peso for Jessica? That way she could catch her breath for a few more minutes.”
    “Of course,” Stevie said instantly. “Carole, you take Dime in. Lisa and I will get Peso.”
    “I’ll get his tack and meet you by his stall,” Lisa said, hurrying into the stable. Stevie went to

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