Stand Against The Storm (The Maxwell Saga Book 4)

Stand Against The Storm (The Maxwell Saga Book 4) by Peter Grant Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Stand Against The Storm (The Maxwell Saga Book 4) by Peter Grant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Grant
service.” His tone was grudging.
    “I can attest to that on the basis of well over a decade’s service in the Fleet. If we had that reputation before you were imprisoned, why would things have changed? We’re just as professional as we’ve always been.”
    Dr. Ju raised her hand. “Lieutenant, what about our wounded crew members? Six are still confined to their beds, and there are another five who are fit only for light duties.”
    “How many medical staff do you have besides yourself, Doctor?”
    “Three sick berth attendants, two from my ship and one from Pearl. ”
    “There’s a twenty-bed hospital ward at Carsamba, an extension of the sick bay. It’s in the administration building, which was only lightly damaged and is still functional. If I put you in command of it, will you agree to provide health care to everyone without prejudice or favoritism?”
    “Did you say ‘command’?” Her voice was incredulous.
    “Yes, I did. I’m willing to put any of you in command of areas where your skills and experience are greater than ours.”
    She shook her head. “I’ve been ignored and my medical advice rejected ever since we arrived here. After that, please forgive me if I find your attitude… literally unbelievable!”
    Steve shrugged. “We don’t have a doctor or medics of our own as yet – all our medical people are helping to restore planetary health services. As far as I’m concerned, that means you’ve got the job. As I’m sure your Commanding Officers will confirm from their own experience, there’s no point in making someone responsible for an area unless you also give them the authority they need to run it. That means you’ll be in command of the sick bay and our medical supplies, including our Medbot units. Can you operate them?”
    “I’ve used similar units. We should have little trouble operating yours – the computers will do most of it for us. All such equipment works in basically the same way, after all.”
    “True. Very well, Doctor; if you want the job, it’s yours.”
    “Captain?” She looked at Chun.
    Her boss sighed. “I suppose we have no choice but to trust this man – at least until we see whether his actions match his words. Very well, Doctor. Go ahead.”
    “Thank you, Sir.” She looked back at Steve. “I’ll do my best, Senior Lieutenant.”
    “Thank you, Doctor. You can transfer your injured people to our sick bay and care for them there. Use those less seriously injured to help you with light duties.”
    He transferred his gaze to Captain Chun. “As for my actions matching my words, Captain, I’ll do my best. If you and your people will co-operate, I think Mr. Jiang and I can work together to parlay your assistance into getting you much better treatment for as long as you’re on this planet, even after the Fleet leaves. However, in order to do that, what I must have – and this is an absolute, overriding requirement – is an unwavering commitment from all of you to be professional in your dealings with Fleet and planetary personnel. If you or your people act without discipline or do anything that’s an offense under local law or regulations, including trying to escape, then my ability to do anything for you will go out of the window. It’ll also get me personally, and the Fleet in general, into serious difficulties with the planetary administration. That’s not acceptable. I realize I’m asking a lot of you, particularly after how you’ve been treated on this planet, but it’s not negotiable. You need to tell me right now if you’re not willing or able to do that.”
    Jiang added, “We can’t help how you were treated before I arrived; but if you’ll work with Senior Lieutenant Maxwell to the best of your ability, I can use that to argue that your provisional ‘trusty’ status should be made permanent. That’ll get you into a minimum-security camp when order is restored, with many more privileges, including weekend liberty. Meanwhile we’re

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