STATE OF ANGER: A Virgil Jones Mystery Series (Detective Virgil Jones Mystery Series Book 1)

STATE OF ANGER: A Virgil Jones Mystery Series (Detective Virgil Jones Mystery Series Book 1) by Thomas Scott Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: STATE OF ANGER: A Virgil Jones Mystery Series (Detective Virgil Jones Mystery Series Book 1) by Thomas Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thomas Scott
it out the window. “You must
have hit your head harder than you thought. You’re clearly not thinking
    Sandy laughed and watched the card
slip away into the wind. Virgil thought it was the best laugh he’d ever heard.
    “I memorized the number,” Sandy
    “My ass, you did.”
    “Already entered it into my cell
    “Uh huh.”
    “I did. Want to see?”
    “Want to hand me your phone before
I roll the window back up?” Like that, all the way to Sandy’s.
    Twenty minutes later they were at
her place. Virgil walked her to the door and by the time they got there he
could see the adrenaline wearing off. There was an awkward moment at the door,
then Sandy stood on her toes and kissed him—quick—right on the corner
of his lips. “I’ll get with you after I rest for a while, okay?”
    “How about tomorrow?” Virgil said.
Then he pulled her close and hugged her for just a moment before turning around
and heading for his truck. When he looked back she was already inside.

    W hen
Virgil got back in his truck he saw that he had a message waiting for him on
his cell. It was Rosencrantz, telling him Dugan’s office was sealed and his
computer was already on the way back to the lab for processing. Rosencrantz and
Donatti were the other two members of Virgil’s team. He’d hired both away from
the city, Rosencrantz from Sex, and Donatti from Homicide. Virgil hit the speed
dial button and Rosencrantz answered on the third ring. He sounded bored.
    “Uh, listen, you guys haven’t
beaten anyone up or anything, have you?” Virgil said.
    “Hey, boss, come on,” Rosie said.
“Give us a little credit. We’re highly trained investigators. Besides, I haven’t
beaten anyone up for over a week.”
    “Uh huh.”
    “If you were thinking about getting
something to eat before coming over here I wouldn’t bother. When they heard the
boss was dead someone made an executive decision and catered in about ten grand
worth of food. We’ve interviewed Dugan’s secretary, the entire executive team
and their secretaries as well. Everybody except the executive committee is
walking around here bumping into each other like a bunch of zombies or
something. Nobody has any useful information for us at all and there’s a ton of
food here that’s going to go bad if someone doesn’t start eating it. I’m
thinking maybe I should take some home with me. In fact, you know that Crime
Scene tech, big Al, the one that weighs in around two eighty or so? I saw him
fill four or five evidence bags with Swedish meatballs and bacon-wrapped shrimp
before he left. The bottom line is the only real thing I’ve learned so far is
that no one uses the word ‘secretary’ anymore. They prefer ‘executive
assistant.’ Who knew?”
    Virgil thought for a moment then
said, “Didn’t you go to New Orleans last year?”
    “Two years ago, but yeah. I got
you that Ragin’ Cajun T-shirt, remember?”
    “Sure. You flew down, right? How
were the stewardesses?
    “Fine I guess. I don’t really
remember. Why do you ask?”
    “Never mind,” Virgil said.
    Two blocks away from Sandy’s,
Virgil realized he didn’t know where the Sunrise Bank headquarters were
located. He pulled over to the curb and tried to Google the address but the signal
wasn’t strong enough and he didn’t have the patience to wait. He called
Rosencrantz again.
    “What’s the address over there. I
tried the Google and it wouldn’t come up. I don’t know where I’m going.”
    “You know,” Rosie said, “I’m not
exactly sure. Donatti drove. I was sleeping.”
    “Well, find someone and ask will
    “Don’t need to. I’m standing right
next to his secretary.” Then: “Ouch, hey, that’s assault on a police officer. Okay,
okay.” Rosencrantz cleared his throat. “What I meant to say was, I’m standing
right next to his executive assistant. I’ve got the address. You got a

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