
Statistic by Dawn Robertson Read Free Book Online

Book: Statistic by Dawn Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Robertson
to run with now.
    I shake the thoughts of Colin from my mind and slowly make my way through the sea of tables in this overpriced dining room, extremely careful not to trip on the sky high nude platform pumps I chose to go along with my cocktail dress. Just as I make my way to Wesley, he rises from his seat to greet me. I know he had told me in passing conversation that he is roughly six two, but next to my tiny five foot frame he is certainly intimidating. Even with the hooker-esque heels. But, the friendly air he has about him doesn't make me feel in danger. He makes me feel safe, even if we are still strangers. Strangers that have seen each other naked on the net.
    But the sense of safety isn’t the same one I felt the night I met Brent. It is all just so different in every sense of the word.
    His arms wrap around me in an unexpected embrace and my body hums at his touch. An electric current runs through us and my body flashes hot. I try and ignore all the teenage-like hormones, but it is damn hard. My mind travels back to Brent again, wishing these kind of feelings would course through me when he touches my body. Why do my thoughts continue to rest on him?
    “I never thought I would meet you, Miss Aurora. You always seem too busy for me.” He jokes as we part. It is true though. After talking, Skyping and texting for almost a month, I figured I had put him off long enough. Our last Skype chat was enough for me to never talk to him again. Damn it, I don’t even know why I agreed to meet him for dinner. I wasn't ready to move on. I wasn't ready to jump out and meet someone I had met off of the internet. Yeah, I had taken in a dinner here and there, but this was different. He was someone I knew nothing about. No mutual friends. Nothing to connect us together other than mutual attraction to pictures over the computer. And boy was he fuckin' attractive. Damn.
    “I'm sorry about that. Work has been crazy and you know how the whole parenthood thing goes.” The little white lie comes so easily. Work has been the same. I just have wanted to avoid him as much as I could. I nervously push my loose hair behind my ear, still completely embarrassed about our mutual masturbation show.
    “I am right there with ya, I've had Savannah full time the past couple weeks. I was lucky enough to carve this evening out for us.” Wesley replies without missing a beat. Hot, and a single dad to boot. That was one of the things that originally attracted me to him. We both have so much baggage . It is just easier for a guy like him to understand the kind of commitment parenting is. I can't just drop everything and run off, even though quite a few guys have already asked.
    In the back of my mind I am continually reminded about what he has said about his future though. He is really just looking for a good time. But, then again, I guess that is all I am after. Because the thought of actually moving on scares the shit out of me.
    “Well, it is finally nice to know you are the person behind the computer screen.” I let out a nervous laugh. I wonder if he can notice how anxious I am. I really need to stop overthinking it all and go with the flow. It’s just dinner. We are both standing, just staring at each other. Neither of us want to make the first move. We keep our eyes locked, examining the other in awe. Maybe I'm not half as bad as I've been lead to believe over the years? He breaks first.
    “I ordered a nice bottle of red wine. I don't know if you drink, but it is one of my favorites,” Wesley says while pulling my chair out. What a gentleman. I want to swoon and just climb him like a tree. Right here in the middle of this expensive and busy restaurant. What the fuck is wrong with me? Fuckin' hormones. Maybe I really do just need to get laid already?
    “That would be nice,” and like that our dinner conversation flows. Three hours later, I am stuffed and excuse myself to use the ladies’ room. If I don't run now, I am pretty sure my

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