Stay With Me: BWWM Interracial Cowboy/Western Romance (Westbury Ranch Book 2)

Stay With Me: BWWM Interracial Cowboy/Western Romance (Westbury Ranch Book 2) by Roxy Wilson Read Free Book Online

Book: Stay With Me: BWWM Interracial Cowboy/Western Romance (Westbury Ranch Book 2) by Roxy Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxy Wilson
and learn to do things on her own.
    “If you had a chance to pick one country, where would you go?”
    “India,” she replied without hesitation. “I would want an experience vastly different from what I’ve seen so far, and I believe their culture and country are so varied that I would learn new things every day.”
    He nodded. “Good choice. If you ever decide to go to India, take me along. I would love to see it. And perhaps China too, and maybe Nepal as well. They have some great hiking places.”
    She laughed at the excitement in his voice. “Sounds like you have a bucket list.”
    “I do. And one day, I’m going to see it all. Life is about experiences. I would rather spend all my money on traveling than on acquiring assets.”
    “Deal.” Shayne nodded. There was a time when she’d believed the opposite, and that was because her husband taught her that. Ever since they got married, he talked about investments and finances, then more investments. It was only when the marriage came to an end did she realize that it didn’t serve her at all to save for the future, because without him, she didn’t know what to do with her time. She was working, but really, she didn’t need the money. Over the past years, she’d collected a fortune in assets and investment which, if used judiciously, could serve her for another few decades.
    Juston parked the car in front of the restaurant. She got out and took a look at the majestic building that stood out in the countryside. “I wonder what made this person come here to open an Italian place?”
    “Everyone has a story,” he answered. “You only have to ask.”
    The depth of his words stunned her. “You’re right.”
    They strode up and he opened the door. Walking up to the manager, he introduced himself and they were directed to a corner table against the pane glass window. There was enough light outside to see the beautiful garden.
    “Someone has put in a lot of work,” she noted.
    “From what I’ve heard, the owners are a middle-aged couple who ran a restaurant in a city, and then wanted to try something new. Met the woman in a supermarket a couple of days ago, and she told me to come and try the place.”
    The waiter brought the menus. Shayne ordered the risotto while he ordered a pasta. When the waiter went away, she leaned back and surveyed the man who’d finally won a date from her. She’d been so sure she would be able to resist him, but it was amazing how he’d already tore down her resistance. Here she was and so far, she didn’t regret it for a single minute. Juston was interesting; he wasn’t an ordinary ranch hand who didn’t have anything to talk about except for cattle and horses. He was well-traveled, educated, and he had solid opinions. She liked a man who was decisive. With him, there would be little chance that she would get bored. He always seemed to be a step ahead of her. It was nice that he could surprise her. She’d missed that with Nick. After years of marriage, she could even predict what he would choose for his attire each morning. Yet, he sure as hell managed to shock her in the end. She didn’t think Juston would ever be so deceitful. As her mind wandered to her marriage, Shayne put a break on her thoughts. She didn’t want to waste a single moment on Nick. That part of her life was over, and Juston was a new beginning. As such, he deserved her respect.
    “What are you thinking?”
    “Just that you’re a man of varied interests. I didn’t realize it earlier. What else do you like to do when you’re not cooking, working with cattle, and traveling?”
    “Hiking,” he confessed with a smile.
    The way he looked at her made her skin vibrate with need.
    “And I have to admit that I also like watching cooking shows.”
    “One day, you’ll have to cook for me.”
    “It will be my pleasure to do so.”
    “You have family?”
    He grimaced. “I was an only child. But I have a lot of friends that I grew up with and we stay in

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