detectives’ heads, which every cop TV show she’d ever seen told her was likely to be a one-way window.
“Yeah?” she asked, barely keeping the ire out of her voice. “Is that why your captain has been staring at me through a one-way window for the past hour instead of having the courtesy to talk or even say hello?”
Chapter Five
A nthony crossed his arms over his chest and continued to glare into the interrogation room. He made eye contact with a very annoyed, very angry Maggie Walker, although she wouldn’t know they were actually making eye contact.
Then her eyes narrowed slightly, and Anth had the strangest sense that maybe she did know, even though common sense told him that all she was seeing was a reflection of herself.
“Hey, this just in: you’re an ass.”
Anth didn’t even turn around to look at his brother. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Luc came up behind him until they were standing shoulder to shoulder looking into the interrogation room where Maggie was writing down anything she could remember about her ex-husband’s old haunts.
Her ex-husband.
For some reason, it was strange to think of Maggie Walker having been married. And divorced. Although he knew from the contact form she’d filled out today that she was thirty-two, she seemed younger somehow. Her light brown hair was pulled into a girlish ponytail; she was dressed in jeans, basic brown leather boots, and a long-sleeved white shirt that was just fitted enough to be…interesting.
“I repeat. You’re an ass,” Luc said.
Anth finally turned his head to look at his younger brother. “And I’ll repeat: What the hell are you doing here?”
Luc turned to face him, the anger on his face catching Anthony by surprise.
“I’m here because Mags called me.”
“What do you mean, she called you? When?”
And why ?
Maggie had called Luc. It shouldn’t have bothered him so much. It was probably nothing…and yet, for reasons he didn’t understand, the fact made him want to punch his brother’s too-good-looking face.
If she’d needed to talk, why hadn’t she called him ?
Luc’s blue eyes were exasperated as he glared at Anth. “She called me, wanting to know if she needed a lawyer.”
“What the fuck would she need a lawyer for?”
“Exactly!” Luc said, throwing his hands up. “Did you bother to explain to her that she wasn’t a suspect before you dragged her down here and stuck her in an interrogation room?”
Anth felt a little sting of guilt. He hadn’t really told her much of anything. No wonder she hadn’t called him. Still, to call his brother …
Too frustrated to sort out his thoughts, and too caught off guard by the unexpected sting of jealousy, Anthony lashed out in the way of older siblings everywhere. He straightened his shoulders and glared.
But Luc was having none of it. “Puff up all you want, big brother. You handled this badly, and you know it. Get her out of there.”
Anthony dimly registered that his brother was absolutely right, which made him fight back all the more.
“This isn’t your case, bambino . Hell, it’s not even your precinct .”
A throat cleared from near the door, and Anthony glanced over to see Luc’s partner standing there, looking half-fascinated, half-nervous.
Anth glanced back at Luc. “You dragged Lopez with you?”
Sawyer Lopez lifted a finger in agreement. “Dragged is the correct word there, Captain. If it were up to me, we’d be dutifully patrolling Broadway for jaywalkers.”
“Shut it, Lopez,” Luc shot over his shoulder. “Broadway is crawling with jaywalkers, and you hate Times Square.”
Luc’s partner grinned, his teeth white against his tanned skin. Anthony all but rolled his eyes. Between his baby brother’s movie-star good looks and Lopez’s exotic, dark-haired charm, the two younger men looked like a TV version of cops, not the real thing.
And Maggie had called Luc.
“Get her out of there,” Luc repeated, his voice