Steel Love: Alpha BBW Motorcycle Romance

Steel Love: Alpha BBW Motorcycle Romance by P.J. Rider Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Steel Love: Alpha BBW Motorcycle Romance by P.J. Rider Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.J. Rider
Tags: Romance, alpha male, Biker, firsts
that shit up, but let’s just say he wasn’t very nice.” Maggie really didn’t want this conversation to continue. She wasn’t ready to talk about her history with Reef. She wanted it to be just that, history. All Maggie wanted to focus on now was the future. Moving forward, making a better life for herself, and making sure she never had to be afraid again.
    “Thanks again for inviting me Jessi. I had a good time, and I definitely learned a lot. My number is on the contact sheet. Call me sometime ok? I definitely want to hang out.”
    She stepped away from Jessi with a wave and quickly headed out the back door and into the fading light of the day. It had been bright and sunny when they’d gone into the class and now four hours later the day was finally starting too dim. She took a moment to dig her keys out while she stood near the back door to the Dojo. Once she had her keys in hand she walked toward her car scanning the back parking lot.
    Maggie stopped when she saw the black motorcycle. The man she’d seen in her neighborhood leaned against the bike with his arms crossed over his chest. She was shocked. He wasn’t even pretending not to be watching her. He literally sat there and stared at her with not an ounce of apology in his eyes. It felt like an hour passed, but really it could only have been seconds, before she blinked and realized that she too had been standing there stock still staring at him. So Maggie shook her head, closed her mouth, squared her shoulders, and marched over to the biker.
    “What are you doing?” Maggie demanded stopping about five feet from his crossed ankles. Maggie couldn’t help but notice how attractive he was. Even leaning against the bike she guessed he was about six feet tall, with dark close-cropped hair, his beard trimmed since the last time she saw him, and the brownest eyes she’d ever seen in her life. Not black brown, and not light brown, but a true hazelnut brown that looked so deep she felt like she could fall into them and never get out. When she moved her eyes to his body she couldn’t help but notice how his broad shoulders and thick biceps. He wore a fairly tight t-shirt with a leather vest over it. The vest had patches like she’d seen on TV shows about motorcycle clubs. She noted the one claiming he was the vice president unsure if she should be impressed.
    “I’m sitting on my bike waiting for you Maggie. What are you doing?”
    She was so focused on checking him out it took a moment before she realized he’d used her name. This was the perfect opportunity to utilize that strong voice they’d practiced in the dojo. “One. Why are you following me? Two. How the fuck do you know my name?”
    He smiled and leaned back slightly on the bike’s seat letting his eyes run up her body. His scrutiny gave her goose bumps. She was surprised that she didn’t feel like a piece of meat, but more like a painting or a beautiful view he was enjoying. She took a step back. She needed to get control of this situation and close proximity to this man who was stalking her, and far too attractive, was not helping the situation.
    “I asked you a question.”
    “Two actually.” His deep smoky voice, nothing like Reefs, rolled over her.
    “You asked me two questions.”
    Maggie blinked at him. Was he trying to be funny? “Are you trying to be funny? Yes, I asked you two questions. Why are you following me? And how the FUCK do you know my god damn name? I’d say those are two pretty straight forward questions don’t you?”
    “Yeah. Well…” Ash cleared his throat. “The answer to your first question is that your father asked a favor of my club, and I’m here to fulfill that favor. The answer to your second question is I believe obvious after the first.”
    “My…. What? My father? MY father asked you to follow me? How is that even possible? I mean, first off he’s dead, and second there’s no way you knew him.” Maggie shook her head, trying to

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