Stormwielder (The Sword of Light Trilogy Book 1)

Stormwielder (The Sword of Light Trilogy Book 1) by Aaron Hodges Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Stormwielder (The Sword of Light Trilogy Book 1) by Aaron Hodges Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aaron Hodges
had doubts as to whether that would transfer into reality.
    “Alright, let’s get out of here then,” as Alastair spoke Elcano spun beneath him and started into the forest.
    Eric gave Briar a short kick. The horse bent its head back to look at him, snorted, and followed the black stallion. The heavy footsteps of the animal beneath him immediately sent jolts up his spine. He grimaced and tried his best to ignore the fresh waves of pain. Gritting his teeth, he focused on keeping himself in the saddle.
    After a few minutes he found himself growing used the heavy trot of Briar’s hooves. His body slowly settled into the rhythm of the ride and the pain in his spine began to fade. A wave of weariness swept over him, his body finally giving way to exhaustion. His eyelids felt unbearably heavy.
    Eric closed his eyes and breathed in the sweet smell of horse and forest. He listened to the snort of the horse’s breath and the thump of Briar’s footsteps. Within minutes he found himself slipping into a deep sleep.
    Eric snapped awake, suddenly aware that something had changed. He no longer felt the constant thud of Briar’s footsteps beneath him. They had stopped. Sitting up in the saddle, he looked around in astonishment.
    They had left the tiny animal track in the depths of the forest. Instead, they now found themselves on a wide road cutting a straight path through the thick forest either side of them. The hard packed earth beneath them was free of roots and potholes. There was no mistaking it; the horses had found the Gods Road.
    “What are we doing here? They’ll be patrolling the road for sure!”
    There was no reply from Alastair. Eric glanced across and saw the old man slumped on Elcano’s back. He nudged Briar towards the other horse and was pleased to feel the horse respond immediately.
    Eric gulped as he came alongside Elcano. Alastair was unconscious, his breathing weak and rasping. His face was grey and paled, and seemed to have added a hundred extra wrinkles in the last hour. He reached out to shake Alastair – and froze.
    From the distance came the thunder of galloping hooves.

    It had not taken long to sift through the shattered remains of his family home. There was little left worth keeping – an old cloak and dagger of his fathers, his fiancé’s silver necklace, a few gold coins that were his family’s life savings. And in the ruins of the forge, a short sword an old soldier had once given his father in payment for repairing his wagon wheel.
    Gabriel smiled as he lifted the sword from the rubble, its weight satisfying in his hand. He gave a few practice swings, the blade hissing as it cut the air. He had never used a sword before but hoped his strength would suffice.
    Pleased with the small collection, Gabriel clipped the sword sheaf to his belt and left the house. He had studiously avoided the room in which his family lay. No force on earth could compel him to face what waited there.
    He made his way out into the broken streets of Oaksville, glancing around at the other homeless souls wandering in the darkness. It was time someone gave them purpose. Gabriel had found his in the grim determination to bring justice to his family’s killer. He knew there would be others who felt the same.
    His first recruit was a large man who wore the tattered cloak and chainmail of the city guard. From the slump of his shoulders and blank expression there looked to be little fight left in him. He did not look up as Gabriel walked over to him, did not even register his presence until Gabriel reached out and grabbed his arm.
    “What’s the matter with you man?” he asked.
    The guard blinked as though waking from a deep sleep. Finally he looked down at Gabriel. “What’s the matter with me? They’re all dead. Everyone I ever knew, gone!”
    “Ay, they are,” Gabriel held his gaze “What are you going to do about it?”
    “Do about it? This was the work of a demon, haven’t you

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