Stranger in my Arms

Stranger in my Arms by Rochelle Alers Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Stranger in my Arms by Rochelle Alers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rochelle Alers
he was able to file the information away in his mind and recall it at will. This gift had served him well once he was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency.
    â€œI’m going to grade you.”
    â€œWhat can I expect if I get straight As?”
    Alex laughed again. “I’ll be certain to come up with something comparable to your final grade. How long are you going to be in Miami?”
    â€œI plan to spend another day here. Then I’m heading down to the Keys.”
    â€œI’ve lived in Florida all my life yet I’ve never been to the Keys.”
    â€œDo you want to join me?”
    â€œWhy not?”
    â€œBecause I don’t know you like that .”
    â€œLike what, Ali? Do you think I’d try to compromise you?”
    â€œNo. Of course not,” she said much too quickly. “Maybe the next time I’ll take you up on your offer.”
    â€œI’m going to hold you to that promise.”
    â€œI always keep my promises, Merrick.”
    â€œGood for you.” He heard a signal that indicated Alex had another caller.
    â€œHold on, I have another call coming through.” There was a momentary pause before she came back on the line. “I’m going to have to ring off now. I’ll talk to you again on the eighth.”
    â€œOkay. Stay well and stay out of trouble.” Her bubbly laughter floated into his ear. “Don’t make me have to come to your rescue again,” he teased.
    â€œIt’s kind of nice having a personal knight in shining armor.”
    â€œI hate to tell you, but my armor’s rusted and dented beyond repair.”
    â€œThat doesn’t matter. I’ll still keep you, Sir Grayslake.”
    Merrick knew he had to end the call before he said something that would sabotage his fragile yet promising relationship with Alexandra Cole. “I’ll call you on the eighth.”
    â€œCiao, amigo,” she said cheerfully.
    â€œ Hasta luego, Ali.”
    Merrick pressed a button, ending the connection. He was glad he’d called her. Hearing her voice and bubbly laugh was a reminder of what he could look forward to once he returned to West Virginia.
    Merrick finally found Rachel Singletary’s house without mishap. His vehicle’s navigational system had never failed him. He turned down a narrow street that made up Key West. He found a parking spot in what he termed an alley, and walked the short distance to a one-story stucco structure painted a soft salmon pink and fronted by a wrought-iron fence protecting a flower garden overflowing with frangipani and bougainvillea.
    Reaching over, he unlatched the gate at the same time the front door opened. Rachel stood in the doorway, an automatic handgun pressed to her jeans-covered thigh.
    Merrick held up both hands. “I come in peace.”
    The network of tiny lines around the woman’s dark eyes deepened when she recognized the tall man standing outside the gate. “Merrick! How the hell are you?”
    He gestured to the firearm. “I’d be a lot better if you put that thing away.”
    Rachel waved him in. “It’s all for show.”
    Merrick opened the gate as Rachel came forward to meet him. Looping an arm around her waist, he leaned over and kissed her cheek. “You look good, Rusty,” he said, using her nickname.
    â€œNot as good as you, Gray. To what do I owe the honor of you gracing me with your presence?” Rachel asked as she tucked the firearm into the waistband of her jeans under an oversize man-tailored shirt.
    â€œI did promise to come and visit.”
    â€œThat was two years ago.” She moved aside as Merrick stepped into an expansive entryway.
    â€œBetter late than never,” he quipped.
    She closed and locked the front door. “Go onto the back porch where it’s cooler.”
    He made his way through a living room filled with rattan pieces covered with colorful plush

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