Street Love

Street Love by Walter Dean Myers Read Free Book Online

Book: Street Love by Walter Dean Myers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Walter Dean Myers
your name again?”
    Damien wrapped himself in despair against
    The cold wind, merciless as it lifted off the
    River and pushed its way crosstown.
    There was so much to say to Junice, he knew
    And so little time to fit the words into his
    His stomach churned, ached
    For Junice, for her to hear his
    Please, his pleas, his desperate “I love you”
    The passion in “I need you so much!”
    He went home and called her from his
    He called her as he walked down the
    Street, searching passing faces
    Looking for her eyes, all the
    While trembling inside, trembling
    That it might already be too
    Late. She might have taken
    Her heart to another place.

    Damien, where have you been, bro?
    I’ve been seeking and peeking
    Around the corners and down
    The streets since I heard that you and
    Sledge had a serious throwdown
    What was that about, man?
    Issues, my pride in myths
    Against his emptiness
    I put love and Junice in the
    Same breath and Sledge,
    Whose soul barely peeks above
    Indifference, scoffed and clawed
    At the idea of it.
    In the end, with no chance of
    Winning, we both slunk away with
    Our tails and tales between our legs
    With only the children watching
    Applauding our violent dance
    Junice said something about a wound
    But I see you’re merely scratched
    You saw her? You spoke to her?
    I’ve been calling, but there’s been no answer
    I thought you knew
    She’s going to Memphis
    Tennessee? When?
    Tonight. What will you do?
    Go after her.
    What airline is she going on?
    She’s walking the dog, man
    Greyhound. Tonight at nine.
    But hear me. Hear me though
    The words are coming up like
    Blood from my throat because
    I don’t want to speak them.
    You can’t chase her, Damien.
    You’d have to surrender your life
    She doesn’t know what she’s going to
    Do. All she got down there is an old woman
    With an older Bible who might take them
    In. Give them a room, a roof
    The squareness of walls. But her
    Situation sounds impossible.
    It’s impossible for her to stay here
    To surrender Melissa to a system
    That doesn’t love her. To put
    Her own oar into the waters of that
    What will you do if you find her?
    Stay with her forever. Longer
    If God chooses.
    Damien. I love you like a brother, but
    You can’t do this.
    There is an excitement about Junice
    I feel it when I see her, I sense it
    In your voice. But excitement is not
    Enough, it is not a Forever cast
    True, my brother, but the flash of
    Danger that surrounds this girl
    Illuminates her spirit
    Like lightning zagging across
    The rooftops on a steamy August
    And in that terrible flash
    I see a spirit too noble to
    Put aside. And the angel of her
    Presence, too precious not to love
    Standing in the only
    Path left for me to take
    Damien, what will you do?
    Gather my courage, scrape together my
    Resolve, withdraw all the character I can
    Muster, and go after her. Maybe in Memphis
    I can find the hope of an answer, or the
    Certain pain of failure. Otherwise
    It’s all nothing but the constant stumble
    To the grave. Wish me luck, bro.
    Damien, I got your back
    Wherever you are I’m going to be
    There with you. I’m not a praying dude
    But I’ll be talking to the Man for you
    Two. You deal with the Memphis
    End, and count on me to be
    Here. To the end, Damien.
    And on from there, Kevin.
    And on from there.

    The New York bus terminal is dark
    Is dark despite the garish lights assembled
    Along the tiled walls. Dark as if,
    As if some malignant spirit has settled
    Down with the tortured souls that rest
    There until the police move them.
    As if the desperate late-night travelers
    To Salt Lake City and Savannah
    And Memphis don’t deserve the brightness
    Of hope.
    On the lowest floor, among the shuffling
    Ragged and hairy men, families guarding
    Cardboard boxes and plastic shopping
    Bags, Damien found Junice.
    Sitting next to an old man
    Brazil-nut brown on the hard

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