Strip Tease
red and it cast the cavernous room in a fiery glow.
    “I want you to go look for your sister.”
    “What?” Janelle leaned forward, barely able
to hear him, and she stared at his sexy mouth as it moved. Music
started, a sensuous beat that throbbed. More people were arriving,
filling the many booths at a rapid pace.
    “Before the show starts, I want you to try
and sneak backstage, see if Ginger’s there.” Nate stared at her,
his eyes glittering in the darkness. “Just real quick, try and be
discreet. Maybe ask about her if you’re comfortable.”
    “Isn’t questioning people supposed to be
your job?” Fear trickled down her spine.
    No way did she want to wander around this
place looking for her sister. The air practically vibrated with
sex. And it wasn’t as if she was subtle in the blazing red
    “You’ll be able to slip past people a lot
easier than me. You’re beautiful. They’ll let you have anything you
want, even in that wig.”
    She warmed at his compliment, grasping at
the top of her head, tempted yet again to tear the stupid wig off.
She felt ridiculous. “I look like a fool.”
    “No, you look sexy. Very sexy. Look, if
Ginger sees me, she’ll bolt. She’d be too surprised to run if she
saw you. I’ll wander around too, ask a few questions.” His eyes
pleaded with her, those sensuous lips stretched into a glimmer of a
    “Fine, I’ll go.” She was about to slide out
of the booth when their hostess appeared, a martini glass on her
tray. She placed the glass in front of Janelle with a flourish and
a giggle.
    “Enjoy. The glass is rimmed with chocolate
sugar so make sure and—lick it off.” The waitress smiled, a
seductive gleam in her eyes. “I’m sure you’ll love it.”
    “Thank you.” Janelle kept her gaze trained
on the glass. She could feel the tension coming off Nate in
tangible waves. He didn’t like the way the waitress acted toward
    “This is for you as well.”
    Janelle glanced up to find the hostess
handing her a black velvet mask, soft red feathers fanning from
either side. She took it from her, their fingers grazing and the
woman shot her a come-hither look.
    “The theme tonight is ‘What the Lady Wants’.
If we’re so inclined, we’re supposed to reveal our deepest, darkest
fantasies,” the waitress explained.
    Janelle studied the beautiful mask, gulping.
If she was going to reveal her deepest, darkest fantasy, then she’d
have Nate naked and sprawled across that stage. With her on top of
him, licking every inch of his delectable flesh, drawing his cock
deep into her mouth…
    Her face flushed. She could feel the heat
crawl up her cheeks.
    “What’s your fantasy, sweetheart?”
    Nate’s sexy drawl filled Janelle with
jealousy. Every time he talked to her, he was short and to the
point. No flirting whatsoever.
    The hostess moved closer to Nate, her free
hand cocked on her slim hip. “To be with another woman while her
man watches. It’s something I’ve always wanted to try. I just can’t
find the right couple.”
    Nothing subtle about her fantasy . The
hostess was starting to scare her.
    “We can’t help you with your little
fantasy.” Nate grabbed Janelle’s hand, lacing their fingers
together. “I don’t share.”
    Her heart tripped at the contact. The
constant touching was going to kill her.
    The hostess mock pouted. “What a shame.
She’s beautiful. You two are a gorgeous couple.”
    “Thank you.” Nate jerked Janelle closer and
she braced a hand on his thigh to keep from falling into him. She
curled her fingers into the fabric of his pants, the heat of his
firm, muscular flesh burning her palm.
    “Let me know if I could be of further
service.” The hostess smiled and walked away.
    “Holy shit, she looked ready to gobble you
up,” Nate muttered, releasing her hand.
    Janelle pushed away from him, grabbing the
martini and drinking half of it in one gulp. She needed the alcohol
if she was going to be able to make it through

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