
strongholdrising by Lisanne Norman Read Free Book Online

Book: strongholdrising by Lisanne Norman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisanne Norman
only advise. Has Q'ozoi questioned Chy'qui's staff to see if they know anything about his experiments on Kusac?"

"Under way. Again, he's bringing a report of what they find out with him." L'Seuli stopped, taking Kaid briefly by the arm. "Tragic as what's happened to Kusac is, Kaid, it has put them at a severe disadvantage. They owe us because of it. Use it for all it's worth. For all you and Carrie suffered too."

"I already have," said Kaid, his voice emotionless. "It's what will secure us the Outposts we currently hold. We'll have our own private treaty with them before the day's done, L'Seuli."

"Well done."

    * * *
    "The Outposts were Valtegan," L'Seuli said to Commander Rhyaz, adjusting the comm angle so he was looking directly at his Guild Master. "Part of a defense network that surrounded their empire."

"Did Kaid discover the location of any more from them?" asked Master Rhyaz.

"No. They brushed his inquiries aside, saying they weren't concerned with issues dealing with their old empire. They did admit to recognizing the Va'Khoi, though. They aren't interested in reclaiming either the four outposts or the ship and agreed to sign a private agreement with us acknowledging them as ours. Kaid also managed to get them to accept that the outposts— Haven, Anchorage, Safehold, and Refuge— mark a buffer zone between Alliance and Free Trader space and themselves— a neutral area that the Brotherhood can guard and police against the raiders that occasionally attack Trader craft. More importantly, now that we know the locations of the two warring Valtegan worlds that attacked our colonies, and the Prime home world, we can monitor their every activity."

"At last we know where to find our enemy," said Rhyaz with satisfaction. "How did Kaid manage to get so many concessions for us?"

"By repeatedly reminding them his Triad had all suffered at the hands of Chy'qui, and that Kusac might still face the rest of his life mentally crippled."

Rhyaz nodded. "At least some good has come from his suffering. Have you spoken to him yet?"

"I went up to sick bay this morning but he'd been sedated. He won't wake till nearer third meal." L'Seuli's wrist comm buzzed briefly. "I have to go now, Master Rhyaz," he said. "We'll have finished discussing all the points in the treaty by second meal and be ready to sign it when we reconvene for our final session afterward."

    * * *
    Jeran and Manesh looked up as Sheeowl and Mrowbay approached their table in the mess. "Captain wants to see you on the Profit , Giyesh," said Sheeowl, putting her mug of c'shar down before grabbing a seat from the adjacent table.

"I thought they were still using the landing bay for the Treaty talks," said Giyesh, eyeing Mrowbay's plate of assorted cakes and pastries. "You'll get too fat to sit in your seat on the bridge if you eat that lot."

"I'm just making up for the weight I lost on the Prime ship," said Mrowbay, a pained expression on his face as he picked up a pastry. "It's months since I had any nice nibbles."

"Talks have moved into a room at the back of the bay," said Sheeowl, taking a swig of her drink. "Captain's overseeing a team of Sholan mechanics checking the Prime repair to our hull."

Giyesh got to her feet. "I'd better be off. See you later," she said to Jeran.

Jeran waited for her to move out of earshot before speaking. "What is it you want to say to me that Giyesh can't hear?" he asked the two black-pelted U'Churians.

"You Sholans," said Manesh, shaking her head. "It's impossible to keep anything from you."

"It's about Giyesh," said Sheeowl. "She says you're coming with us when we leave. That true?"

"Yes. I've got nothing, not even a home to go back to. The Valtegans destroyed everything."

"Is that what Giyesh wants, or just you?"

"Of course it's what she wants." He frowned, surprised at her question. "You think I'd want to stay if she didn't..."

"How serious are you about her?" interrupted the engineer. "I don't have the time

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