Submissive Training

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Book: Submissive Training by Jennifer Denys Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Denys
information to know about her sister’s sex life, but part of her had been intrigued.
    Okay, she could do it. Although it did depend on who the trainer was going to be—if it was Maurice, she would use her safe word. Ben, on the other hand…

    * * * *

    Ben took a deep breath before entering room 512. He had made sure that he got this individual session with Kat. In fact, he had to call in several favors with Maurice. He wondered what Kat’s reaction would be when she saw it was him. Part of him was stunned she was still there, part of him pleased, extremely pleased. Well, time to find out . He opened the door.
    First impressions were not good. Not only was she not naked, she wasn’t even down to her underwear. And she wasn’t in the presentation position either but was examining the bench. And she didn’t even seem to have heard him enter.
    “So I take it you are not interested in taking this training any further?” His voice sounded abrupt even to him.
    As she whirled around, her face went pale when she saw him, her mouth open. “Oh, hell.” She looked down at herself. “Oh shit. I’m sorry. I was intrigued by the apparatus. I do want to continue.”
    She looked chagrinned. He relented slightly. “In that case strip now .”
    Relieved that she was continuing, he watched as she hurriedly complied and he leaned against the door negligently, his arms folded, resisting the urge to catch his breath as she revealed her beautiful body. She was even more drop-dead gorgeous than he remembered from yesterday.
    When she dropped her dress and took off her shoes, she seemed to hesitate. “Is that it? Aren’t you going to take off your underwear?” He knew he sounded fiercer than he had intended, but it had shocked him to arrive to see her fully clothed. He had envisaged beforehand what he would do to her, and this threw him.
    Kat shook her head. “We have the option to keep underwear on, don’t we?”
    Ben ignored her question and moved forward into the room. “And what about your positioning?”
    “Oh.” She kneeled quickly, her arms behind her back, which thrust her breasts out. Ben felt himself getting very hard the more he looked at her. He cursed silently as he tried to maintain a professional attitude. I’m supposed to be training her, for Christ’s sake!
    Bringing his thoughts back to the task at hand he noticed something. “Why do I always have to tell you to open your knees?” She flushed and hurriedly opened them. At least her head was bent, but that was probably from shame or embarrassment, he thought.
    “Hm. Not a good start to your session so far. You obviously know this is a spanking bench. What experience have you had of spanking?”
    “Um, other than spankings as a child, I have no experience whatsoever.”
    “Does that mean you were a particularly unruly child?”
    He could just see her smiling beneath her bent head. “Probably.”
    Resisting the urge to chuckle and rather liking the idea of her being resistant, he requested, “Please stand with legs apart and arms back.”
    He waited until she did this as he pondered why he might like her resisting, since he normally preferred very submissive women, and found he couldn’t answer his own question.
    Shaking his head at this, he directed, “Now move over to the bench, and I will point out some features.” He followed her and saw her glancing at him. Part of her appeared fascinated, part worried. He found himself wanting to allay her fears.
    Moving around to the other side of the bench, which was actually a fairly elaborate apparatus, he tapped the knee pads halfway up the front and smiled, unusual for him, as he instructed. “This is where you will put your knees. You then lean forward resting your body along the middle padded bench. Your forehead goes here.” He had moved to the top of the bench and indicated a padded bar at the top. “Your hands are placed on these bars, and you will be restrained.”
    She gasped. “I hadn’t

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