Summoner (Ash and Magic 1)

Summoner (Ash and Magic 1) by Sophie Park Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Summoner (Ash and Magic 1) by Sophie Park Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Park
Mage Sight, she could see the way the energy in the room responded to their presence.  Even without being imbued with magic, they adjusted the flux in here to their will.
    "Uhh, no."  Brad let out a long whistle and looked away from Ash.  Then he looked back.  Away.  With her back to him it was hard to not notice the lacy white panties she had on.
    "Anti-magic!  Can you believe it?  It was an anti-magic field.  No spells could cross through it.  Do you know why?"
    "Hadn't thought about it.  Uhh, so, are you coming or...?"
    "Well, look.  There's no way that a wizard could hold something as powerful as Melketh, not even Professor Montgomery.  I doubt even Smith could do it!"
    "Don't let him hear you say that..."
    "But!  Anti-magic is immutable.  It's sixth sphere so it's already very hard to do, but it... kills off the flux, you know?  Nothing magical can pass through it, and that means that Melketh can't use spells through it either."
    "So?"  Despite himself, Brad was getting interested in the discussion.
    "Well, a being as powerful as he is... even though he's also physically trapped inside the circles, once he had a foothold here he could certainly... I don't know, summon himself?"
    "I'm just guessing.  He could probably have killed us all if he wanted to.  And, you know, if the anti-magic field had not been solid."
    "Terrifying.  Anyway, Ash, are you coming or...?  It's going to be a good time."
    "I... hmm."  Ash turned around and suddenly her face was covered in an exaggerated frown.  "Bradley!  What are you looking at?"
    "Uhhh, I... umm... you."
    "I...!  Okay, I'm a little flattered."  Gingerly, Ashley stepped out of the circles she'd drawn and passed so close by Bradley that they almost touched.  He was trembling with the effort to keep his hands to himself.  "But you know we discussed this."
    "I know... I know!  You're not looking for a relationship right now."
    "Exactly!  And, like..."  Ash looked over at Brad and let out a long, slow sigh.
    Brad was widely considered one of the most handsome students in all of the second year cohort.  He had just enough stubble to look manly, just enough muscles to look athletic, just enough style to look put together.  He made it all look easy and that was probably because it WAS easy for him.  He'd been one of the popular kids in school and only by dint of his natural magical talent did he get into the Wizards program.  He'd certainly never sought it out, but magic was addicting.  Once you had a taste of it you couldn't go back to a normal life.
    He'd had a string of girlfriends since coming to Dub U and yet none of them bore him ill will.
    Brad was too nice.
    Normally, at least.  He wasn't doing so well this evening between breaking into Ash's room and sneaking peeks that he shouldn't have.
    "I'm busy this evening, Brad.  You go and have fun with Cass."
    "Sure, okay.  Umm..."
    "You might want to shower when you're done."
    "Cass was right, you are an ass."
    Brad left and Ash turned back to the spell she'd begun in her manse.
    Why was she so obsessed with this?  She wished she could say that it was because of her love of summoning, but there was something else there.  In the quiet moments, while she gathered her thoughts or stretched out sore muscles, a face dominated her thoughts: fierce and powerful, alien and too-human all at once.
    When she closed her eyes she could see him: considering the class, watching her.
    She didn't know why but she had to see him again.  She needed to just... talk to him.
    Of course, it was only for the class.  If she could turn in an interview with Melketh, then she would definitely ace the assignment.  She could probably get away with something smaller and still ace it but that wouldn't be as impressive.  A large part of her wanted to see the look on Professor Montgomery's face when he saw the recording, when he realized who it was and

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