
Sunkissed by Janelle Daniels Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Sunkissed by Janelle Daniels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janelle Daniels
relax when he kept it light, impersonal.
    “Thanks.” She gave him a wobbly smile. “What about you? Are your parents or brother still in the area?”
    “My parents live back East. My dad’s a history professor there. But my brother is still in the area. He works at a law firm downtown.”
    “Do you see him often?”
    “Often enough.” He moved the skillet off of the heat. Arranging the food onto two plates, he added a salad with a flourish next to the main course. “He usually stops by several times a month.”
    “Are you close?”
    “Yeah. He was always my partner in crime.” He grinned. “We used to get into so much trouble together.”
    “You’re lucky. I always wanted a sibling. Most of my friends growing up moved away or we lost touch in one way or another. I imagine that doesn’t happen as often with a sibling.”
    “They’re usually around in some way. I don’t see my parents as often as I would like, but we talk over the phone.” He moved the plates to the table. “Can I get you more wine?”
    “No, thanks. I shouldn’t have any more since I’m driving home.”
    Cradling his glass, he sat across from her, the cooked meat and vegetables tempting his stomach.
    “This looks fantastic.” She took a bite and sighed. “This is so good. I’d cook more often if it came out like this.”
    “It’s never the same when you cook it yourself. There’s something about eating a meal that someone else has prepared that makes it taste better.”
    She laughed, forking up another bite. “You’re right. I need to hire a chef.”
    “I’ll cook for you any time you want. I’ll even do it for free.”
    “I might take you up on that offer.”
    “You should.”
    She took a sip of wine, studying him over the rim of her glass. “Look, I don’t know if you want to talk about the kiss or not, but I feel like we should.”
    “All right.” He rested his wrists on the table, giving her his full attention.
    She let out a pent-up breath. “We’re obviously attracted to one another.”
    “You mean you find me sexy,” he drawled, provoking a laugh from her.
    “And modest as well.”
    His eyes crinkled in amusement. “So we’re attracted to each other. What do you want to do about it?”
    “I’m not sure we should do anything about it.”
    “Why not?”
    “Well, we’re so different. Besides our attraction, I’m not sure what else we have in common.”
    “Do you enjoy hot showers?”
    “How about good food?”
    She sent him an amused smile. “Of course. I see what you’re doing.”
    “We do have things in common. We just haven’t figured out what they are. Isn’t that the point in getting to know one another?”
    “I guess. Is it really not weird for you that our grandparents were involved?”
    “Not at all. That was a long time ago. He obviously enjoyed your grandmother, just as I enjoy you. We’ll just say it’s genetic and can’t be helped.”
    “I’m serious,” she said with a frown, but spoiled it with a chuckle.
    “So am I.” His eyes turned intense as he looked at her. The smile slowly left her lips. “I want to get to know you better, Natalie. You feel what’s between us. Don’t we owe it to ourselves to find out what could happen?”
    Hesitation filled her eyes, puzzling him. He could tell she wanted him. Could feel it with every fiber of his body. “Why does that make you uncomfortable?”
    “It doesn’t. It just makes me hesitant. I won’t pretend that I’m not attracted to you. I am. Very much so.”
    “I knew you thought I was sexy.”
    She shook her head in amusement. “I just don’t know how far I want this to go. I don’t know how involved I want to get. I enjoy being on my own. Making my own decisions, calling all the shots. Being seriously involved with someone changes that.”
    “It doesn’t have to.”
    “But it would.”
    He reached out for her hand across the table. “I would never make you do anything you didn’t want to. And whatever

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