Super: Origins

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Book: Super: Origins by Palladian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Palladian
    Clara thought a moment. “Yes, I don’t think there’s anything else we need to cover.”
    “Then I’m going to walk her to the metro stop,” Casey replied, then turned to address Lex. “I’m assuming that’s how you got here?”
    Lex nodded, suddenly reminded of the not-so-nice neighborhood she had come through to arrive there.
    Clara shrugged. “All right. Don’t be long, though.”
    Lex and Casey fell into step as they passed out of the large room. Casey turned left to go up the set of stairs and said, “I’m going to get my bag. Could you wait for me in the kitchen?”
    “Sure,” Lex replied, heading in that direction.
    “If you want something, you can take whatever’s in the fridge,” Lex heard Casey’s voice, floating down the stairway.
    Lex opened the refrigerator and lost herself for a while, getting dazed at the size of the unit and the extent of its contents. The amount of food in it could probably feed several large families at once, she thought.
    “Are you ready to go?” Lex craned her head around the refrigerator door to see the person calling her. Casey had reappeared wearing a long-sleeved button-down shirt over a t-shirt along with jeans and boots. “I hope you don’t mind, but I took the time to change.”
    “No problem,” Lex replied, grabbing a bottle of water. “Let’s go.”
    When they got outside, Lex wrinkled her nose at the smell she guessed was coming off the water behind the building and noted that the light was starting to fade a bit as the sun passed behind some of the taller buildings in the distance. She frowned and looked at her watch, which read almost seven. How could it have possibly gotten so late , Lex wondered, frowning slightly. She mentally shrugged it off, though, thinking she would have something to eat and then hit the gym after Kurt headed to bed, since he was an early sleeper.
    As they started the walk to the metro, Lex noted as she stepped over the paint that it seemed mostly dry. That made her wonder what had started the incident in the first place. “So, what were you two arguing about up on the roof?” she asked Casey.
    Casey made a noise that could have been described as a growl and blushed slightly. “That guy was making some horrible comments and really made me angry. When I warned him to stop, he just got worse, so I showed him the door.”
    “What happened with the paint?” Lex asked, now more curious than ever.
    Casey looked away a little guiltily. “Well, we’d been standing near the edge of the roof, and when I grabbed him to throw him out, I bumped the paint bucket and it fell. That jerk shouldn’t have had it there, anyway.”
    “Probably not,” said Lex, trying to hide a grin. Since nothing terrible had happened, Lex clearly saw the humor in the situation now, but she didn’t want to laugh because Casey still seemed upset.
    They walked in silence for a moment, Lex enjoying the clouds that were starting to turn colors as the sun sank lower. She still felt a bit edgy, so she opened the water bottle and took a sip, noting from the plastic flavor that it had probably been in the refrigerator for a while. Lex never usually had to talk so much about her past, and the experience had brought up feelings that she usually tried to leave buried or forgotten. She’d tried to explain some of her history to her fiancé before, but he didn’t really seem to want to know. At one point, he'd even asked her why she wasn’t “over it” since everything had happened so long ago. That hadn’t been what Lex had thought of as a high point in their relationship.
    Casey’s voice brought her back to the moment. “So, what did you think of everyone? I know Lily wasn’t there, but I think you’ll like her when you get to meet her.”
    Lex laughed. “Everyone seemed very nice, but I don’t think Joan liked me much. I figure there’s no way I’m going to get the job, though. It just doesn’t seem like something I’m suited for.”

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