Super Powereds: Year 3

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Book: Super Powereds: Year 3 by Drew Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Drew Hayes
courses, so once more, I caution you to choose with forethought. We’ll go over the details for each as the first trial grows closer, however, I think those of you in more battle-oriented majors can draw a few informed conclusions.”
    Here, the dean paused and motioned to the man at the back at the gym. He came forward with a casual gait, nothing to suggest he felt nervous, despite an entire class’s worth of attention focused on him. The man gave the class a warm smile, then turned to the dean and waited to be introduced.
    “Our last matter of business is one relating to actual business. We understand that college is financially taxing for many students and their families, and that being in this program has prevented a lot of you from being able to earn money like regular students. Now that you have all made it to your third year, the odds of you staying in this town for the remainder of your college career improve significantly, so, as a courtesy, we set up a partnership with several local businesses to give part-time jobs to those who want them. These will be owners that know what you are and the demands on your time, and have agreed to accommodate those issues. The gentleman beside me is Kent Mears, the liaison who coordinates between eager students and these kind employers. Anyone interested in a job can speak to him in a few moments. For those who do, I urge you to do your best at any job you get. Remember that these positions require business owners to work around our program, and that a poor employee may make them less likely to offer HCP students any future opportunities.”
    A smooth step moved Dean Blaine back in line with his professors. He saw all the students waiting patiently and allowed a slight smile across his face. They had come so far from this day two years ago, and there was still so much ahead of them.
    “Okay, students, please begin.”

    The gym immediately filled with the distinct hum of chatter as the students spread out. Some made a beeline for their professors; others talked over the decision with friends, Dean Blaine’s remarks clearly inspiring them to doubt their original choices. Only a few headed for Kent Mears, though the fact that one of them was Chad Taylor did not escape notice by most in the room. It didn’t draw much curiosity, either. If anyone could handle a job on top of the demands of the HCP, it was Chad.
    *              *              *
    Roy finished letting Professor Fletcher know that he would definitely be pursuing Close Combat in the coming year, and then looked around the room for his next target. There was a mini-mob around Professor Stone, which sort of made sense. Focus was a useful discipline for any Super, it centered on calming your mind and drawing out more of your abilities, so they tended to toss anyone without a clear third skill into it. As a result, it was a pretty full course, so an ample number of students needed to tell her if they were keeping or dropping it. Roy’s eyes wandered over to Professor Cole, who somehow managed to look bored despite the layers of clothing and mummified bandages concealing her face. Not many people seemed to be competing to talk to the Weapons instructor, and Roy could take a decent guess why. He suspected the course’s already small number would shrink significantly after today.
    Not being one for lines, Roy walked over to Professor Cole. He threw a hand up in lazy greeting and gave her a smile. She might have returned it; there was definitely movement under her face-wraps.
    “Let me guess, you want to drop my class,” she said, once he got close to her.
    “I guess you noticed my lack of enthusiasm during all those drills last year,” Roy replied.
    “It’s hard to stand out at not caring, but you made it happen. Congratulations, I guess. You’re keeping, what, Close Combat and Focus?”
    Roy nodded. “Let’s be real though, we all know I’m majoring in Close Combat, this was

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