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Book: Surrender by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
Netherland’s heart began hammering deep within her chest, and her pulse began racing. Her knees weakened, which made her slow her pace somewhat. The palms of her hands felt damp. She blinked as if the action would will him away. It didn’t. He was still sitting there looking at her as intently as she was looking at him. There was something overpowering and aggressive about him and instead of backing away from it, she found herself drawn closer, so she kept on walking until she had reached their table. All five men stood.
    She barely heard Trevor telling the others how wonderful the food served at her restaurant was. She barely recalled the introductions of the other men, Clayton’s two brothers—Justin and Dex. Her mind, body, soul and spirit were on the man who stood next to Trevor. She knew his eyes had not left her since he had seen her from across the room. She breathed in deeply when she presented her hand to him. “Nice meeting you, Ashton.”
    She found her hand folded gently in the warmthof his as he looked deep within her eyes and said softly, “The pleasure, Netherland, is all mine. Please sit down and join us for a minute.”
    She knew she shouldn’t. She had a million things to do. A wedding reception was being planned for the next day in one of her banquet rooms. But his request sent her entire body into overdrive, and she found herself sitting in the chair he pulled out for her—next to his.
    It was only later, after enjoying herself immensely as she listened to Justin and Dex Madaris try and convince Trevor, Clayton and Ashton about the benefits of marriage that she discovered the explosive attraction between her and Ashton had been a complete waste of good energy. The discovery had come when Trevor jokingly called Ashton “Colonel.”
    She had turned to Ashton and saw his eyes were still on her. “Why did Trevor just call you Colonel? Were you once a colonel?”
    He smiled at her with the sexiest grin she thought she would ever see on a man. “Yes, ma’am, still am. I’m a colonel in the marines.”
    She blinked as she felt a heavy hand clamp itself around her heart. “You’re in the marines now? ” she asked softly, hoping he would say no and that he had recently retired or something. Instead he met her inquisitive eyes. Something in her tone must have alerted him to the fact that she was asking for a reason—a very important reason—a reason he didn’t quite understand.
    “Yes, I’m in the marines now, and I’ll probably stay in the marines until the day I die.”
    She shook her head, confused. He didn’t resemble a military man, especially by the head. “But your hair?” she asked, making sure she understood him correctly. “Isn’t it too long?” She had been around enough military men to know the low crew cut was Uncle Sam’s standard.
    “No, my hair isn’t too long. Since I’m legally part Indian, the right to wear my hair this length is protected by federal law.”
    Netherland nodded. She knew then and there that any thoughts of ever becoming involved with him were over. The last thing she would let happen was to allow a man in her life who didn’t have roots. She had been through that with her father, and had promised herself never to go through it again. She had worked too hard for independence and stability in her life to toss them aside for overactive hormones.
    Netherland brought her thoughts back to the present. She had promised herself that day that she would not start anything with Ashton she couldn’t finish.
    Yet, tonight in his arms, she had broken that promise.

Chapter 5
    N etherland swiveled around in the chair at her desk. “What do you mean he left town?”
    Rainey shrugged. “That’s the rumor on the floor tonight. Carolyn Taylor claims she saw Ashton getting on a plane for D.C. yesterday while she was at the airport. She says he was wearing his military uniform and was giving all the women at the airport heart failure because he looked so

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