Sweet Mystery
laughing at
something one of her band members had said. The sound was musical
and rich. Her dark brown hair shone in the sun when her head went
back. Yes, tomorrow would be an interesting day indeed.

Chapter 3
    “Well, what are going to do, boy?” Henry Jove
stood holding a coffee cup made of fine china with red roses
painted on the sides. An antique mirror behind him reflected the
image of a man used to being in control. He could easily pass for
being a decade younger than his seventy-seven years.
    “I’ll handle it.” Darcy wore an irritated
expression. He hated being called ‘boy’ by his grandfather in that
tone of voice. “I’ve got a plan.”
    “You’ve got a plan,” Henry mimicked. “I damn
well hope so.” He swallowed some of the contents of his cup.
    “Simon is meeting with her today. I have a
feeling she’s going to sell.”
    Henry gave a snort. “A feeling? Hell! Take
action and make sure she sells.”
    “I have,” Darcy snapped, as he drew up short
at the dark glance Henry gave him. He softened his tone and
expression. “The offer Simon is going to make will be more money
than her family has ever seen. She’ll take it.”
    “You’d better hope she’s not as mule-headed
as that father of hers was.” Henry wore an angry scowl. “Drunken
fool could have been sitting pretty years ago if he’d taken my
offer. That land has got to be in our hands.”
    “It will be. I’ll see to that.” Darcy sat
down across from his grandfather. “Just as I’ve made our
investments grow by twelve percent in the last two years
    “Well, at least you’re no dummy.” Henry
appeared to give the compliment grudgingly. “Whatever else your
faults may be.”
    “Nobody’s perfect.” Darcy spoke in a mild
voice without looking at him.
    Henry looked at him sharply and then exhaled
a puff of air. “What does Simon say to this oil-field waste
facility? He must think it’s a good idea.”
    “We haven’t discussed it yet.”
    “Oh? Tell me, boy. Tell me all of it.” Henry
leaned forward and tapped his knee.
    “I’m not ready to tell him that my plans for
the land have changed. Besides, I’m still discussing it with Mouton
and Pantheon. It’s not a certainty just yet.”
    “Don’t give me that bull! I’m old, not
senile. I talked to Preston Cazes at the chamber meeting Tuesday.
He’s excited about the possibility that Pantheon will locate
nearby. He’s not sure where, but feels it’s going to be close.
Preston knows what’s going to happen in the state before the
    “They haven’t decided between three possible
sites. But....” Darcy wore a sly smile.
    Henry smiled back at him. “But you have
inside information that they’ll favor our land. Good for you,
    Darcy nodded. “All we need is that extra one
hundred acres, twenty of which is still in the Dalcour family.
Strange how Mr. Lucien never failed to pay the taxes, even with all
his other weaknesses.”
    “His uncles helped him,” Henry said,
“stubborn bunch of no goods.” His voice was bitter.
    “Well, Rae won’t cling to that worthless
property. After all, renting to hunting clubs doesn’t make much
    “Lucien let a lumber company cut, too.”
    “Yes, but it takes fifteen to twenty years
for the trees to come back enough to make it profitable.” Darcy
shrugged. “I know Rae. She won’t want to be bothered with it.”
    Henry gazed at his grandson for a time. “Yes,
you do know her, and I hope she’s out of your system.”
    “It was a long time ago and we were kids.”
Darcy stared downwards. “She probably wouldn’t even speak to me
these days.”
    “She’s not for you, boy.”
    “So you impressed upon me back then,
Grandfather,” Darcy said in a quiet voice. “It worked. We broke
up.” He looked out the window at the expanse of green lawn in front
of the house. “End of story.”
    “Good.” Henry gave a curt nod. “What about
    “What about

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