bells! This guy embodies the epitome of sheer masculine virility and I’ve just insulted his manhood.
She gulped, pushing against his shoulders to create some space between them.
Devtorvas yanked her against him, the steely fingers of one large hand sinking into the full curve of her ass. The jeans-covered solid bulge of his cock nudged the tender skin of her belly as he wrapped his arms about her, head lowering.
She parted her lips to apologize…to breathe…and his tongue surged in, claiming her mouth in a heated carnal foray that wiped away her ability to speak and sent jagged shards of electrifying excitement careening through her bloodstream.
“Ooooh, god…” she moaned, shuddering as his masterful tongue plunged into her mouth again and again, while one hand caressed her scalp, his fingers snagging in her tangled hair.
Oh, stars above, the man could kiss!
She melted into his embrace. Her breasts, flattened against the firm, warm flesh of his broad torso, tingled and burned. Beneath the terrycloth towel, her nipples jutted, lengthened into little diamond pikes that stabbed at his impervious flesh. Never had she felt such intense arousal from a simple kiss.
Simple? Lord, but there was nothing simple about his kisses!
His tongue forced its way into the moist space behind her teeth, filling her mouth with the hot and spicy taste of his essence and her pulse pounded. She moaned, all thought of resistance blasted from her mind.
Caught in his sensual storm, almost swooning from the unfamiliar emotions his touch ignited within her, she turned to flame in his sexual heat, returning his kisses with a fervor she didn’t know she possessed. A river of need washed over her and flowed out of her. Her pussy throbbed, releasing a gush of liquid heat.
With an inner thrill of power, smelling her own tangy scent rising from between her slick folds, she watched Devtorvas fling his head back, nostrils flaring as he sniffed the air like a stallion catching the scent of his mare in heat. She felt his chest expand and press against her swollen breasts as he inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with the fragrance of her lust. His arms tightened about her, anchoring her to his rampant body.
“I smell the sweet bouquet of your pava flower! It tells me you want me, whatever words you might say. Do not fear this, fem. I want you as much as you want me. Maybe more.”
Bold, he gripped the cheeks of her bottom and she squirmed as he wedged a knee between her legs. His thick thigh pushed the hem of her towel up as he dragged her body forward. His large palms kneaded her ass. He lifted her, rocking her on his steely thigh, rubbing her pussy and clit against the rough heat of his denim-clad cock.
“Feel how hard I am for you.”
His mouth swooped down again, tormenting her with another mind-tangling kiss.They were so close, his alluring fragrance—essence of rampant masculinity, hot and exciting—inundated her senses. Desire roared through her as his unique scent seared her lungs, burning a fiery path deep inside her body. Her spine went limp. Her knees went weak. She dug her nails into the firm flesh of his corded forearms, holding on for dear life. Her wits reeling under his expert tutelage, she realized she didn’t want to tear herself away. His cock, pressing into her belly, told her his arousal matched her own.
The feel of him against her body and under her hands, all mounded muscle and thrusting man, sparked her natural curiosity. She wanted to know everything about him…the textures of his skin, the depth of his emotions…the contrast of his hard, muscular planes against her soft, hairless silkiness.
She swept her hands up and down the warm flesh of his arms and chest, her earlier agitation forgotten. While their mouths and tongues tangled, her fingers spread and flexed, measuring, testing and tweaking beaded male nipples. She had never felt anything remotely resembling this firestorm of passion he evoked in her. She
Stephanie Hoffman McManus
Marissa Farrar, Kate Richards, Marian Tee, Lynn Red, Dominique Eastwick, Becca Vincenza, Ever Coming, Lila Felix, Dara Fraser, Skye Jones, Lisbeth Frost