Switched: Flirt New Adult Romance

Switched: Flirt New Adult Romance by Cassie Mae Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Switched: Flirt New Adult Romance by Cassie Mae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassie Mae
    Since Reagan and I started hanging out with the guys, we’ve had our fair share of truth-or-dare nights, and my pathetic relationship with Ed was a topic once. I’d never seen Talon—or Wesley, for that matter—get so pissed. It felt kind of nice to have them go all protective over me instead of drooling over my oh-so-perfect best friend.
    “Still …,” Talon says, pulling onto the freeway. I mentally take note that I have only about five or seven minutes left with him. “What a dick.”
    My teeth press into my bottom lip, biting back the goofiest of all grins. Once the jumping beans settle, I pull my foot on the seat and tuck my knee under my chin, hoping this will hide the dorky reactions I get from him just being him. “What about you?”
    “I’m not a dick.”
    “No.” I laugh. “Is Reagan the longest relationship you’ve been in?”
    He gives me this look like,
Whoa, where did that come from?
but I’m clearly on topic. So I wait for him to answer.
    “Reagan hasn’t told you all this already?”
    He raises his eyebrows, and I almost reach out to shove him, but I’m not sure I can do that without fumbling it. “I find that hard to believe,” he says, turning his gaze back on the road.
    “Because Reagan talks about everything to everybody.”
    Oh, an edge to his voice there. Maybe Wesley is right about there being some holes in this relationship.
    I should correct him, say,
Yeah, she hasn’t told me about your past girls or sexual history or anything like that
. But instead I say, “I’d rather hear it all from you. You know how she canexaggerate.” Then something heavy and sticky slides down my throat into the pit of my stomach, making me feel like absolute shit. And I should
be feeling like this when I’m with Talon. So I quickly excuse the guilt away by repeating what’s become my mantra:
We’ll all be happier in the end
    He puts on his blinker to take the off-ramp, and the sound jolts me from my head. Talon taps his fingers on the wheel and gives a slight shrug of one shoulder. “How long have you known me, Kayla?”
    Ignore your heart pounding a million miles a minute and answer him!
“Um, I’ve
you since you started dating Reagan. But I knew
you way before that.” Way, way, way before that. I watched you every day for eight years.
    “So what did you know of me?”
    That you are the most beautiful person on the planet. That you give up your seat when a girl walks in the room and there’s nowhere for her to sit. You set aside time to take your sister to wherever she wants to go whenever you see her. You make sure to pass the ball to several of those catcher guys on your team, and don’t play faves. You are pretty much perfect, except you can’t see what’s right in front of you. Which is that Reagan can’t love you like I can
    I turn my eyes to my glittery toenails and start picking at the polish. “Not much, I guess.”
    “You weren’t aware of my reputation?”
    Of being the high school’s own Channing Tatum?
    He laughs at my blank stare, and turns onto my dorm street. “Let’s say I had to do damage control once I started dating Reagan.”
    What the heck is that supposed to mean? I have about five seconds to get more out of him before he stops the car. “I’m confused.”
    “Seriously, you don’t remember?” He pulls into the spot closest to my dorm, puts the car in park, and shuts off the ignition. “I wasn’t exactly the monogamous type.”
    Like a wrecking ball, the memory crashes into my brain. I must’ve pushed it so far away because I never wanted to believe Talon Gregory slept with so many people. And not just one person at a time either. They were all rumors, and I didn’t believe them because he never seemed like a man whore. But I suppose this is his confession. At least to me.
    “Wow.” Whoops! Didn’t mean to say that out loud.
    Thank heavens he laughs. “I know. I try to block it out

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