Taboo Love With The Doctor (BBW Contemporary Medical Stepbrother Romance)
How was I supposed to tell you when you’re always running?”
    “I don’t know how to handle how I feel, and how can you be so sure things would be so great between us and that it’s more than lust?”
    “Baby, I know what lust feels like. I’ve had my fair share of exploits. I’ve been with a lot of women.”
    I glared not wanting to hear about how many girls he’d banged.
    “See, that look right there tells me so much. You’re jealous, and those girls meant nothing to me. They were a quick lay and that’s it. You’re different. I want to be with you. My heart races, my pulse beats like fucking crazy, I have sweaty palms, hell butterflies swarm in my stomach just hearing your name—and I swear if you tell anyone I said that, I’ll deny it—but all of those feelings are how people describe love—not lust. I can’t stop thinking about you. You have no idea how many times I’ve driven to campus to tell you how I feel only to chicken out. I don’t take rejection well, and you’ve done it time and time again.”
    I stood there stunned unbelieving of what I was hearing. There was no denying what he was feeling, and with each word that spilled from his lips my heart raced faster. I knew what he was talking about because I’d always felt it with him too, and it scared the hell out of me. I didn’t trust my judgment, and even though I knew he’d never physically hurt me, I couldn’t ignore the deep seeded fear of him breaking my heart. It wouldn’t just break, it would shatter. Women loved him, model like, stick thin Barbie’s, with the perfect tits and ass. Those were the types of girls that fawned all over him on a daily basis. I couldn’t compete with them. This chubby girl only had tits and ass. I wasn’t small. Even though for the most part I’d come to accept I’d never be tiny, I still didn’t love my body. I didn’t know if I ever would.
    “What are you so afraid of?”

Chapter 3
    “What are you so afraid of?”
    The question repeated over and over again as I tried to decide it I would be honest and tell him. He gripped my fingers and tugged on my arm showing his impatience. “Are you going to help me out here, Brenna?”
    “I…” I took a deep breath and licked my lips. “I’m not like the girls you’re normally with.”
    He nodded. “Good. I don’t want you to be like them. Those aren’t the type of girls I want. They’re just easy.”
    “Well, I’m not easy. Jacob is the only guy I’ve been with.”
    Gabe’s eyes widened in surprise and I frowned. “It probably explains why I took all the shit I did with him. I thought I loved him. He was my first, and had that control over me. He was the first guy to like my body.” I realized then that was how he had such a hold on me. “God, I’m so stupid.”
    Gabe glared at me. “You’re not stupid. You’re just a woman who doesn’t have the confidence she should. Your body is amazing. Your curves are capable of bringing any man to his knees. To me you’re perfect. I love everything about you. I’ve dreamed of tasting every inch of your delectable body. If only you’d let me.”
    Heat rose to my cheeks with what he was saying. I wasn’t used to such bluntness. His sincerity made me want those things. “What happens when you get bored? I’d fall for you in a heartbeat, and I couldn’t handle you breaking my heart when you realize you want someone more exciting.”
    He looked thoroughly offended and stepped back. “Do you really think I’d play you like that? That I’d say all this shit just to get in your pants and then drop you? I’ve had feelings for you since the beginning. They’ve grown over time, but I’ve already told you I don’t want you for your pussy. I want you for you. I want to be your man.”
    “I don’t mean that you would go out of your way to hurt me, Gabriel.”
    He stepped closer and lowered his voice. “What do you mean then, Brenna? Because right now it sounds like you’re pulling excuses

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