Tainted Cure (The Rememdium Series Book 1)

Tainted Cure (The Rememdium Series Book 1) by Ashley Fontainne Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Tainted Cure (The Rememdium Series Book 1) by Ashley Fontainne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Fontainne
Tags: Fiction, Sci-Fi, Zombies, post apocalyptic, drugs
gaunt-faced wisp of a girl was gone, replaced by a healthy-looking young lady. Susan’s light brown hair was thick and shiny, her cheeks full and tinged with a hint of pink. He couldn’t help but smile at the transformation.
    “As I mentioned yesterday, the clinical trial lasts a full year. Only one more week and then you’ll be free to go. You signed up for a year, remember?”
    Susan huffed, a look of annoyance and distrust glistened behind dark, brown eyes. “I shouldn’t be held to agreements made when I was so strung out I barely remembered my own name. I mean, it’s not like I had much of a choice. The thug who brought me here scared the living shit out of me. One minute, I’m standing on the corner talking to a john. The next, I’m knocked unconscious and wake up in the back of a van, hogtied and gagged. When he yanked me out I saw the entrance to a cave, I thought I was a goner. To say I was terrified is an understatement. I signed on the dotted line only because I thought it would keep me alive.”
    Unable to hide his disgust at the girl’s treatment, Everett reached across the table and patted her hand. “As I’ve stated many times before, I am sorry your journey here was so traumatic. Though it started out frightening, I believe it turned out well for you. Agree?”
    Susan moved her arm away from Everett’s, shifting in the seat. “Yeah, now. Being clean and healthy hasn’t stopped the nightmares about my so-called journey here.” Susan sighed and took a drink of tea. “I suppose you will never understand, so I won’t even try to explain.”
    “You’re right. I can only sympathize with your emotions since I haven’t experienced your situation. So, let’s get back to how you feel. Other than the nightmares, any other symptoms you need to report?”
    Susan shook her head. “No. My appetite is fine. No headaches or cravings. No muscle cramps, body aches or fever. Other than being a bit antsy to leave here, I feel fine.”
    “Excellent news. No interest at all in returning to the habits of your old life, correct?”
    “None at all. Just the thought of even one hit makes me feel sick to my stomach. If I dwell on the idea too long, I actually throw up. Is that normal?”
    Everett smiled. “Yes. The medication we administered to you is designed to trigger your brain to eschew any cravings for narcotics by making the recipient feel nauseated. As you are aware from earlier testing, if you ingest any type of drug, the reaction is quick and unpleasant.”
    Susan crinkled her pert nose in disgust. “Yeah, haven’t puked that hard since I had food poisoning when I was twelve. This cure of yours is amazing. Miraculous, even. Sorry about being so bitchy earlier. I am grateful for what you’ve done for me. Really. It’s just…”
    “You’re ready to start living your new life. I know. One more week, I promise.”
    Susan’s eyes filled with tears while she stared at the cup on the table. “I really wish my mom was still alive. I caused her a lot of grief when I was using. All she ever wanted out of life was to see me clean. Now, it’s too late. Will it do me any good to ask again exactly what you gave me? Or where I am?”
    “Only if your goal is to hear the same answer again,” Everett stood, gathering up the notebook and coffee mug. “But it’s not too late for you to start a new, drug-free lifestyle. I recall you mentioned in one of our earlier discussions you once considered being a nurse as your calling. Perhaps it is time to examine that desire closer. You will have plenty of cash to live off of for at least two years once you leave here.”
    “Fifty thousand dollars for a year of my life is generous, no doubt. But living off that amount, after taxes, won’t stretch into two years. I’m afraid college is out of the question for me. I still have to get my GED.”
    Everett paused at the door, feigning a look of shock. The moment he’d been waiting for to break the good news just

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