Take Me If You Dare

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Book: Take Me If You Dare by Candace Havens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Havens
encouraged the man. “It’s on me.”
    The other man finally glanced up. “Uh. Sure.”
    The dealer pointed a finger. “Markers?” He told Gladstone. “You have good credit here. We take care of you and you can win money back.” The stilted English wasn’t lost on Mar. They didn’t want Gladstone to get up from the table.
    The bouncer guy, who had stepped in front of Jackson, put a hand on Gladstone’s shoulder. “You stay.”
    Jackson shifted so he was inches from the big burly man, and Mar wondered if he was getting ready to take out the bodyguard. They’d have to make a run for it if he did that, and she wasn’t exactly sure she couldmanage it in four-inch heels. Though, with the adrenaline pumping through her veins she had a feeling she’d make a good go of it. Everyone seemed so tense, and the bodyguard looked as if he’d have no problem pummeling Jackson.
    Moving two steps closer, Jackson gave the bodyguard a wink. “Hey guys, I’ll bring him back, but the man needs to eat. Surely you can spare him long enough to have a quick meal with friends. I’m sure he wants a chance to win his money back.”
    Gladstone shrugged the guard’s hand off his shoulder. “I’ll be back, but I’d like to spend some time with my friends,” he said to them.
    “Maybe I’ll even come back and play a few rounds.” Jackson gave the table an affable smile. “I think I’d very much like a chance to win my friend’s money back from you guys.”
    Gladstone stepped down from the platform where the table sat and stood beside Jackson. “Okay, buddy. Let’s find us dim sum.” Moving a protective arm around the other man’s shoulder he used his other hand to motion Mar to walk in front of them. “Keep moving and don’t stop even if the guards say something,” he whispered to her.
    Mar’s heart went down to her gut when she saw the two large men at the door, who seemed to take a keen interest in the three of them.
    Oh, my, God. We’re going to die.

    T WO GUARDS, ROUGHLY the size of sumo wresters, created a wall in front of the nearest exit. Mar had a feeling trying to shove her way through would be like trying to push down a couple of giant redwoods with her bare hands.
    Crap. What do I do now?
    “No,” the one on the right said gruffly, his face giving new meaning to the word menace. She didn’t know much Thai, but no seemed universal.
    Think fast or die, crazy girl.
    “But.” Mar threw her hand up to her mouth as if she were going to be sick. “Had too much to drink, I’m gonna seriously hurl. Please.”
    They didn’t budge.
    Mar forced her eyes to go big and a low gagging sound came from her throat as if she were doing her best not to throw up on them. It really wasn’t much of a stretch. She’d never been so scared in her life.
    “Please, gentlemen, the lady doesn’t want to embarrass herself here, and trust me when I tell you she definitely had too much to drink,” Jackson said affably.His hand went to her back. “She was quite the wild woman on the dance floor tonight.”
    The choking sound burbled from her throat again, and this time the mountain of men parted and even held the door open for them to exit.
    They were out of the club and into the hired car around the corner before Gladstone even had a chance to question who they were.
    Mar’s nerves were on edge, so much so she had to put her hands on her knees to stop them from shaking.
    Jackson shut the door behind her and sat in front with the driver so they wouldn’t be crowded in the back.
    Gladstone was in some kind of daze, as if he wasn’t quite sure what had happened. Once the car pulled into traffic, Mar regained her strength. Taking a deep breath, she turned to face the man to her left. “Mr. Gladstone, I’m Mariska Stonegate from Stonegate Investigative Agency. I was sent by your wife to find out why you disappeared from the hotel.”
    “Oh.” Her words seemed to sink in through his confusion. Then his eyes flashed with

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