“I’m going to have a shower. I’ll take you down when I’m finished and we’ll get to that spanking. If you’re quiet throughout this part of the punishment, I’ll take your gag off.”
She mumbled something through her gag, but he turned his back and walked into the bathroom where he stripped off his clothes and climbed into the shower. He left the door open so he could keep an eye on her. He wouldn’t keep her in this predicament for long, but she didn’t need to know that.
His cock was hard and he knew it would have to stay that way for now. After five minutes, he climbed out and dried himself off. He pulled on his jeans and returned to the bedroom to find her staring at him with wide eyes, a layer of sweat having collected on her forehead.
“You ready for me to take you down and spank you?”
She nodded eagerly, shifting her weight from foot to foot, then to flat feet, then back up to tiptoes. It was time to bring her down, but first, he removed her gag.
She exhaled. “Please, my fingers.”
He moved to loosen the rope. In the next instant, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing her still-bound hands against her legs. Her panties had fallen to the floor.
With purpose, he unbuckled his belt, watching her face as he did it.
“You dropped your panties,” he said, a small smile lifting one corner of his mouth.
She looked at the little slip of lace on the floor, then at him as if just realizing it.
“I’ll have to add on strokes for that.”
“No.” Her eyes went once again to where his hand rested on the buckle of his belt.
“Tell me why I’m going to punish you,” he said.
She scooted back on the bed and looked at him. She shook her head, mute.
“Kayla, tell me why I’m going to punish you,” he repeated.
“Because I lied to you and left that stupid message so someone would find us.”
“And why have I taken you with me?”
“To protect me from the people who are after you. Who killed your family.”
He wondered if she could see the emotion that crossed his face.
“Do I need to keep you bound for the next part?” he asked.
“Please don’t do the next part,” she said, her eyes welling with tears already. “I’ve learned my lesson, I promise.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
He hoped he wouldn’t need to. A punishment needed to be taken; to be submitted to. Her wrists would be raw if he bound her while belting her and he was glad when she shook her head no and held her arms out to him. He took both her hands in one of his and freed her from the rope. He then spent some time rubbing them, looking them over, before pulling her to her feet.
He pulled his belt from its loops, watching her eyes widen. He doubled it and gripped the buckle in his palm. “Bend over the side of the bed, lean on your elbows.”
“Can you use your hand instead? Please?”
“I think the belt may make more of an impression. Over the side of the bed. Now.”
He watched her tentatively take position.
“Legs wider,” he said. He moved to stand behind and just to the side of her. She spread her legs a little and he didn’t miss the slick pink of her pussy, and when she lifted her hips just a little, he smiled.
He began right away, the sound of leather whistling through air satisfying, but not so much as when it connected with flesh.
“Ah!” she gasped with the contact.
“Count,” he said.
“One.” She didn’t hesitate; he liked that. She would learn and he’d enjoy teaching her.
He wasn’t hitting hard, but he imagined she wouldn’t know that. He swung again, striking once more across her buttocks.
He saw the bed covers drag a little and imagined she was fisting handfuls of it. Another strike.
“Three. How many?” she asked, sounding desperate already.
He swung twice in quick succession.
She whimpered and shifted her feet, rounding her back, then hollowing it out again.
“You are not to speak unless you’re asked a question during
Jody Pardo, Jennifer Tocheny