Taken by the Trillionaires

Taken by the Trillionaires by Ella Mansfield Read Free Book Online

Book: Taken by the Trillionaires by Ella Mansfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Mansfield
    She settled her head against his shoulder happily glad he was always so willing to show her affection physically when all the others seemed to want from her was sex. Travis made her feel like she was someone he had great affection for, instead of just a sex toy. He kissed her softly, stroking his hands up and down her arms. “Are you doing okay?”
    She nodded. “Everyone’s treated me well so far.”
    “Everyone? What do you mean by that? It’s just been me and Austin so far, hasn’t it?” He looked down at her perplexed.
    She stared down at her hands, which were both holding his good one. “Well, no. Cody found me swimming today, and he joined me. In a couple of ways.”
    He stroked her shoulder, kissing her cheek softly. “I know it’s hard for you to have to share your body with all of us, but there’s no other way with the way the world is right now.” He nuzzled her neck. “Hopefully our daughters will be able to have ‘normal’ marriages, but for now, the only marriages are for the ultra-wealthy men and the women they share.”
    She shook her head. “I don’t know what the world was thinking when they did away with childbirth. How could they not have seen that as the ruin of society?”
    “I wasn’t part of the decision making process.” He looked down at her steadily. “The idea of childbirth doesn’t frighten you?”
    She shrugged. “My mother went through childbirth six times. She survived it, and so will I. Women were designed for it.”
    “I’m glad you have such a good attitude about it, because we’re hoping for several children. Daughters would be good.”
    She snuggled back against him. “Am I on my own for tonight, or will I need to spend the night with Bo?” She really wasn’t sure which she’d prefer. She loved making love with the men, but Bo was an odd duck. There was no telling what he’d want from her.
    “Oh, I’m not sure. I didn’t expect Cody to rush things.” He thought about it for a minute while he continued stroking her arms. “I think you probably should go ahead and spend the night with Bo.” He kissed the top of her head. “Upside of that means that you can spend tomorrow night in my bed again.”
    She sighed contentedly. “I’m not sure about Bo, but I like the idea of spending tomorrow night with you.”
    Austin came in from work then. He made a beeline for the couch, sitting on the other side of Erin. With both of the men beside her, she could easily imagine how to would feel to have the two of them naked in bed with her. She flushed at the idea. Where had that come from?
    Austin cupped the back of her head in one hand and pulled her toward him. “I missed you today, sugar pussy.”
    She jerked back, her eyes wide. “What did you just call me?”
    “Sugar pussy. You’ve got to have the sweetest pussy on the planet.” His hand reached down and he moved his fingers between her thighs, playing with her clit for a moment, before moving his fingers to his mouth and licking them. “Oh yeah. Sugar pussy.”
    She blushed immediately. “Please don’t call me that around other people.” How inappropriate!
    He laughed. “Everyone in the world needs to know what they’re missing out on. The other men around here already get their turns in you. How is it hurting anything?”
    She looked at Travis behind her. “How do you feel about him calling me sugar pussy?”
    Travis shrugged. “Doesn’t bother me.”
    She sighed, seeing she would get no help from him. “Fine.”
    Bo came down then and saw the three of them snuggled together on the couch. “You two know you’re not getting another turn until I’ve had mine, right?” He was obviously in a foul mood.
    “Yup,” Travis said.
    “Whatever,” Austin replied as he nibbled at her lips.
    “You two are all over her, and I haven’t gotten a turn yet. That’s really not fair.”
    Travis looked over his shoulder at Bo. “She’s yours tonight.”
    “What? Really?” Bo’s voice was extremely

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