Taken Love

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Book: Taken Love by KC Royale Read Free Book Online
Authors: KC Royale
has ever seen me really upset, because I didn’t really have those emotions to explore until JP came along. Having him as a crush was ruining my life, and I knew now that there wasn’t anything pleasant about having a crush.
    “There isn’t?” She asked.
    “No, mother, there isn’t.” I snapped. There was a long pause of silence and I took a deep breath, trying to forget my conflicting feelings, about Blair and JP.
    “Do you want to talk about it Kathleen?” She asked.
    “Not really, but I’m fine now. He is a jerk, and I don’t want anything to do with him anymore,” I muttered, and gave her a smile. My mother had this look of sadness on her face.
    “Why? Why don’t you want anything to do with him?” She asked, looking at me while inadvertently probing, and I smiled and kissed her cheek once more.
    “He’s with Blair now.” Her eyes widened, and I nodded at her, then a small smile came across her face. “Why are you smiling mom?”
    “Well, it’s just that… I said the same thing about your father. He used to make me so upset, and turns out, he was the love of my life.” She muttered, as a warm smile ran across her face.
    “Well, that is not the case here. My best friend in the whole world is with him now, and I wish them well.” I hissed, slamming the knife down, making us both jump, as her shock registered on her face.
    “Is she Kathleen?” Is Blair really with the boy you like?” She stopped walking towards the cabinet, while waiting for my answer.
    “He says their just "hanging out," and that he only wants me. I’m not sure I believe him. He’s such an asshole.” I murmured, while setting the table. I sheepishly glanced over at her, to see that she had stop chopping. The knife was still midair, as she looked over at me, which was exactly what I didn’t want. “Sorry mom.” I muttered. The whole thing was messy, and I was quickly finding out that I didn’t like messy at all. JP and Blair were a couple, and I needed to accept that, even if she would go after him, I wouldn’t reciprocate that kind of behavior. I was already in too deep with my guilt of keeping secrets from my best friend, because of him, and it sucked. My mother didn’t ask any more questions about it, and I was glad, but during dinner I could see the silent questions on her face when she would glance at me, I just smiled at her and we all ate and talked about my upcoming college days.

Chapter 7
    IT WAS MONDAY morning, and another week had passed in the blink of an eye, so it was now the following Monday morning. I was standing at my locker, waiting for my bubbly best friend to jump on me, and tell me how great her weekend was. But when she was arrived, it was as if someone had stolen the fire from her furnace. She looked as if she hadn’t slept all night, her eyes were red, and she looked like she wanted to kill someone, or… die! The sight of her made me literally gasp in horror, as I took in her appearance. In all my years of knowing her, I’d never seen her look like this. Her clothes were wrinkled, and she had no makeup on. Who was this person? What the hell happened?
    “Blair, are you alright?” I asked, as she stood in front of me, staring at me in silence, her eyes boring into mine, as if she didn’t recognize me.
    “No, I’m not. You were at Johnathan’s house, while I was away?” She asked me in a tone I’d never heard from her before. Oh crap!
    “Yes, I was invited to his party.” Why would he tell her?
    “Why didn’t you tell me Kat?” She snapped.
    “I forgot. Did I need to?” I asked, trying to show a little guile.
    “You should know that answer, so why would you not tell me ?” She snarled.
    “I’m sorry, but what does that party have to do with anything?” I needed to know where this was going, before I snapped, and lost my cool.
    “He broke up with me Kat. He ended it, and told me I wasn’t even his girlfriend this whole damned time.” She whimpered, and I could sense

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