Taken: The Life of Uktesh Book 3

Taken: The Life of Uktesh Book 3 by Aaron Hicks Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Taken: The Life of Uktesh Book 3 by Aaron Hicks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aaron Hicks
time for her to stop shivering from cold.  Talia said, “Thank you,” before he fell asleep.  He woke up to find his arm around her shoulders and his man bits quite ready to take her up on her offer last night. 
    He lifted his arm off her, found that he also had to relieve his bladder, he pushed her shoulder and said, “Hey wake up.” 
    She said, “I’ve been up for a while. Something kept poking me.”
    He felt himself blush and said, “Where do I go to relieve myself?”
    She misunderstood him and said, “I’m still willing.”
    Uktesh said, “No my bladder, where to I relieve my bladder.”
    She pointed at a bucket, “There’s a bucket in the corner.”
    Uktesh said, “What if I had to relieve my bowels?”
    She pointed at the bucket, “There’s a bucket in the corner.”
    Uktesh sighed. I miss the Isle de Tramonto. He rolled over Talia and out of the bed.  As soon as his bare skin was exposed to the cold he regretted his decision to leave the warmth.  You could always make it warmer too, the evil thought popped into his head.  He pulled his loincloth to the side and began to relieve himself as he mentally fought with his darker side.  No, I’m married, and I love Laurilli and don’t want Talia.
    You might be married, but she’s probably dead. The dragon surely thought that she was, and you definitely do want her.
    No I don’t!  It’s the morning!  This probably would have happened without her in the bed.
    You can lie to her, you can even try to lie to yourself, but you and me, we both know the truth.
    Damn it!   Uktesh finished and readjusted the loincloth while he shook his fist at the wall. Maybe I’m attracted to her, but that doesn’t mean I have to do anything about it!
    There was no response and Uktesh Stepped back to the bed to get under the warmth of the covers.  He turned so that his back was to Talia’s and as he drifted to sleep his darker side thought, it doesn’t mean you don’t.   Uktesh woke up to find that Talia had wrapped herself around him and was snoring into his ear.  He first lifted his leg until hers slid off of it, then lifted her arm from around his shoulder, and lastly rolled slightly so that she was on her back and not on him. 
    He fell back asleep only to be awaken by her leaving the bed, it feels like I’ve only been asleep for a few moments .  He sighed and stretched out. Finally, the bed to myself!  He heard the sound of her relieving her bladder and wondered if she was going to leave to wherever she stayed normally, or if she was going to come back to the bed.  When she finished she quickly got back under the covers and Uktesh scooted to the edge of the bed again, and faced the wall.  When he woke up again it was to feel of her lips on his cheek, “Thank you. I’ll see you tonight.” 
    She was gone before he could ask, “Tonight?” 
    He groaned and stretched out on the bed,
    “I hope you’re not too tired,
    I won’t allow my training to be mired.”
    Uktesh groaned and saw the snake sitting in the corner.  Sitting?  Standing?  Crouching?   Uktesh yawned and said, “Training?  Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I beat your best, what more can you teach me?”  Not to add both my arms are broken and in casts.
    The snake whipped Uktesh with its tail,
    “Of yourssself you are full,
    like a ship with a leaking hull. 
    Failure is what you will do,
    if you don’t believe what I say to be true.”
    Uktesh said, “Fine just stop rhyming. I’ll train with you.”  He wearily followed the snake man out onto the cold sand and said, “I just realized I don’t know your name?”  Time to see if Talia was lying to me.
    The snake replied,
    “I have my own story,
    but you may call me doctore.”
    Uktesh glared and said, “Seriously?  What’s your name?”  The snake man raised his whip so Uktesh quickly added, “Doctore.”
    The snake ignored his question and said,
    “If power isss what you ssseek,
    you yourssself mussst

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