Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume
put her glasses back on and stared up at the ceiling with a
dreamy expression. "Wouldn't you like to have the power to change
the world? Especially for the better? Wouldn't that be so
    Aradia didn't answer, and turned back to the
computer. While she typed in more searches, her mind began to
wander. Technically, I already have that kind of power. I mean I
can read minds (through physical contact of course) and control the
power of nature with a mere thought. However, would that kind of
power change much? Most of all, do I want to take on that kind of
responsibility? I mean I couldn't stop murders from happening could
I? I couldn't stop crime...could I?
    Aradia pushed herself away from the desk. She crossed
her legs and lightly tapped her foot against one of the wheels. You know when you think about it I did help solve a murder and I
am sure if I explore my power a bit maybe I can predict a murder
before it happens. As for crime...well I could do the same.
    However, she blew a strand of hair out of her
face, I can't prevent all crime from happening. I can't become
the supernatural police force for Salem especially all by myself.
Furthermore, I promised myself a long time ago I would never become
a vigilante. I mean I am a fan of Batman as the next person
but...if you ever watched the flick Batman Begins then you could
see he had no choice. He had to act because the Gotham police force
was so corrupt but the Salem police force is not corrupt.
Furthermore, my dad is an assistant DA what would he think if he
found out? He would of course, parents always found out. It's just
one of those things like why the sky is blue and why fish swim.
    She tucked the very same strand behind her ear. Rhonda does have a very good point. If you have the power to do
something then you should use it. However, excluding the Vampire
Murders, not much happens here in Salem at least nothing crime
related. Unless of course you count the discrimination in the
hidden race but they don't consider that a crime.
    Aradia snorted and tossed her head but then a wave of
thoughtfulness came over her. However, just because they are
okay with discrimination doesn't mean it's right. I mean years ago
people were okay with treating blacks like dirt but that doesn't
mean it was right. In fact people knew it wasn't right which is
what started the civil rights movement.
    "Hello? Earth to Aradia," Rhonda joked as she tapped
on her left shoulder.
    Aradia turned, almost like a reflex, to her right to
see Rhonda smiling over her shoulder. "Hello? Personal space
    Rhonda chuckled as she backed off. "Fine. Fine. Have
it your way."
    Aradia smiled over her shoulder. "If I had it my way,
there would be world peace, free ice cream, and MTV would stop
showing crap like Teen Mom. " .
    Rhonda had to clamp her hand over her mouth. After
swallowing her fit of laughter, with some difficulty, she once
again leaned in towards Aradia.
    "Well you better hurry up with finding our case for
our assignment because break is almost over." Rhonda looked at her
slapstick digital watch to prove her point.
    Aradia snorted angrily as she typed in yet another
search. This time something finally caught her eye. FIFTH VICTIM
    "Hello? What's this?" Aradia asked out loud.
    "It appears to be a serial kidnapping case Aradia,"
Rhonda stated.
    "No duh Sherlock!" Aradia muttered.
    Rhonda squinted. "Okay I have heard of serial killers
but serial kidnappers? As D would say eso es tan raro."
    Aradia raised an eyebrow.
    "It's Spanish for 'that is so weird,'" Rhonda
    Aradia then nodded and turned back to the screen. She
scanned the first few lines which read, "after missing for five
months, Nika Azarov was found in a furniture warehouse in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her wrists had been bound along with
her legs with thick ropes to one of the couches stored in the
warehouse. The poor sixteen year old girl was found cold, almost
half dead, oddly dressed in

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