Tales Of Lola The Black

Tales Of Lola The Black by A.J. Martinez Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Tales Of Lola The Black by A.J. Martinez Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.J. Martinez
nothing that she could not tolerate. She has been through worst. Her rod steamed and the ruby gemstone of her rod glowed with an angry red of lava. Lola looked at the balcony and Perim was gone.
    “Are you fine?” Dougal asked crippling towards Lola. She had forgotten that he was here for a moment.
    “I have been through worst. Leave this to me and stay out of it.” She commanded Dougal.
    “As you wish. With this injury I am of no use in this fight.” Dougal said and ran off into the halls of the third floor. Perim’s room was now a great mess with the debris the fire blast had created. Lola hurried to the balcony and surveyed the mansion area believing that master Perim had escaped somewhere. She eyeballed the courtyard and gardens below. He was nowhere to be found.
    “I take my eyes off him and he vanishes.” Lola remarks. Suddenly she gets the warm sensation of fire above her head. She dips and above her head flies a bullet of fire and explodes down on the courtyard.
    “You have learn more than what I was willing to teach you my dear Lola.” Perim commented from atop the mansion’s roof. With the two moons behind him, he stared down at Lola with a wide smirk, his yellow teeth creep from his mouth of small lips. “You want your rod back then come and take it.” He taunted her, spinning the rod playfully.
    Lola’s frown turned into a cocky smile. Her eyes turned pale white and fangs creep from the sides of her mouth. “You better pray that Omegus is on your side. I will not depart until your soul drops to the darkest pits of Necrovania.” Lola jumped on the parapet of the balcony and balanced on it. She opened her arms, rod at hand and a cloud of purple smoke billow on her back. The cloud began to take shape. Wings of black and purple feathers spread long and wide on her back. Wings of an angel of darkness that could cover her whole body. Her nails grew and sharpened. She flapped her wings and ascended.
    Perim’s eyes bloom with awe and fear. Lola’s transformation was beyond his expectations. This is not the girl he saved seven years ago. This is not the girl who cried every time her fire spells would reverse on her during her training. This is not the girl he took to bed. This new person. No. This entity, this creature she had become was no longer human. “You are a fiend!” He shouted. “You are a monster. I knew it. I knew this was the real you.”
    “I might be different now but I will never be as good as you.” Lola said as she hovers in the air, her black swan like wings thudding. “You are the real monster. You tried to take my powers when I was a young girl. You raped me and used your students as well.”
    “Only a monster would kill her own friends.” Perim responded. Lola could see the fear in his grimacing face. “Pikan Granda!” Perim yelled, a large ball of fire launched from his rod. Lola laughed at Perim’s spell. Using her rod she smacked the ball of fire and redirected it back at Perim. He dodges it leaping to the side and his spell detonated on the roof of the mansion creating a large hole. 
    Lola ascended up in the air and dived toward s Perim. He ran up the slope of the roof as Lola shot bullets of fire. Perim dodge her fire and retaliated. “Pikan Granda!” He continued to launch that large ball of fire. His spells were powerful, bigger and contained more energy. He was a master in the fire arts and refused to lose to one of his students. On the flat surface of the roof he ran across. Lola dived, her wings spread wide and the end of her rod bath in fire. She aimed to kill him and knew the right spell that would take his life instantly. She was a dozen feet above him now and yelled “Pikan Ray!” Then Perim stopped, spun, jumped and from his cloak he drew a sword. He swung at Lola while in the air. She was not expecting such a bold move from him. She pause her spell and guard with her rod. Their weapons collided and vibrated. Lola was shocked and ascended. Perim fell and

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