Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf

Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf by A. E. McCullough Read Free Book Online

Book: Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf by A. E. McCullough Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. E. McCullough
lookout post for me clan but hadn’t been used in many a year. A few summers back, me and da pup moved in and fixed ‘er up.”
    “How…how long ago was the attack?”
    Khlekluëllin rested a hand on her shoulder. “You have been asleep for nearly a day and a half.”
    Rjurik poured himself a mug from a nearby barrel of ale. “Aye, da pup left you in my care at dawn da day before yesterday.”
    “Who is this pup you keep referring to?”
    Rjurik shook his head. “Introductions and names belong to da bearer, not me. When da pup returns he will answer your questions, until then eat and rest. Regain your strength, I fear we may need it soon enough.”
    Setting down his mug, Rjurik turned back to the fire and began slicing the roasted boar and placing the strips into separate bags.
    Flustered, Tatianna glared at the dwarf’s back. “But you haven’t answered all my questions.”
    “Answers will have to wait,” Hawkeye said as he entered the room. “It is time to leave, they have found us.”
    All four turned to look at Hawkeye, Rjurik didn’t say a word. He just began packing some bags while Tatianna and Hawkeye locked eyes for the first time.
    Hawkeye was frozen with the intense beauty of her eyes. He noted that they were the crystal blue of a mountain stream. Clear and bright, full of the energy of youth and held the bright sparkle of innocence. However, there was a slight hint of darkness on the edges, which Hawkeye guessed would be from some great tragedy in her life. He felt intoxicated by her eyes and utterly helpless before them.
    Similarly, Tatianna felt herself drawn into his deep gray eyes. She thought that they were the color of an overcast day. His eyes held the peacefulness of a morning shower and the rage of a thunderstorm at the same time. They also showed wisdom gained through great loss and sadness. She had never seen their like, not in the elven kingdoms nor in the lands of men. She didn’t feel threatened by them, only welcomed by them. The moment passed without words. She was the first to look away.
    Khlekluëllin stepped forward, offering his right hand in friendship. “Well met Hawkeye, I am gladdened to see you again.”
    Hawkeye clasped forearms in the traditional greeting of warriors. “Well met Khlekluëllin. I am afraid more pleasantries will have to wait, the enemy is here.”
    A loud boom from below at the main gate seemed to echo his statement.
    The three elves followed Rjurik to the balcony overlooking the main gate and were shocked to see a band of gnomes banging on the front gate. 
    At first glance gnomes seem very similar to dwarves, in the fact that they are a diminutive humanoid race but that is where the similarity ends. Typically, gnomes are not as stout as dwarves and are totally hairless with overly large noses. They tend to adorn themselves with garish tattoos and jewelry. They are a clever race and are excellent craftsmen, however their items fall into two major categories, bizarre or wicked. Nearly every mechanical weapon of war from the ballistae to the crossbow has been tinkered and improved slightly by a gnome. Of course, the gnomes and dwarves are legendary enemies due to both races tendency to inhabit the same underground regions.
    Rjurik leaned over the rail and yelled, “Bugger off you beardless sons of a boar!”
    The gnomes cursed back in their native tongue and began to hack at the gate with their axes. Turning back, Rjurik moved to a small closet set right above the main entrance. Inside the elves saw an array of levers and ropes. Rjurik began to shift and move some of the levers when he noticed their confused looks, he flashed them a wink and said, “Just leaving a few presents for our uninvited houseguests. Come, we must go.”
    Tatianna rushed back into the sleeping chamber, dressed quickly and grabbed up her gear. Seconds later she was behind her brothers as they followed the old dwarf through the keep until they reached a partially covered well in the

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