Tangled Up In You (A Savioe Family Novel)

Tangled Up In You (A Savioe Family Novel) by Ginny Atkinson Read Free Book Online

Book: Tangled Up In You (A Savioe Family Novel) by Ginny Atkinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginny Atkinson
urge to move her hair back over her shoulder so I could look at her face but I did. She finally moved th e lever and the seat slid back.
    “Um… Roxy, can you please move your head?” I carefully demanded my voice hoarse.
    “Give me a second. My bracelet is caught on something.” Her muffled voice drifted up to me.
    I groaned again this time a bit more loudly than intended drawing her attention to me. Her face now turned to look up at me showed a bit of confusion before she realized exactly where her head was and my reaction to it. Her cheeks flushed red as she jerked her arm back trying to quickly sit up. In her haste, she scratched her wrist when the bracelet ripped off it.
    “I’m so sorry. I was just trying to help. I don’t pay attention to what I do most of the time.” She gasped rubbing her pained wrist.
    “Don’t worry about it. Let me see your wrist.” I reached out gently grabbing her hand and turned it over. She had a nasty red gash that started from the bottom of her palm going up about two inches on her wrist. “This looks bad. Do you have any water or anything in here we can use to wash it off until you can get home and patch it up?”
    “Yeah, it’s in the back seat.” She maneuvered her way in between the two seats to grab a bottle half-full of water. I took it out of her hand, opened it and looked around for something to pour it in or at least something to put her wrist over to soak up the water. I sighed and pulled off my t-shirt placing it under her arm and poured a bit of water on it to clean off the grime and drying blood. I heard her swift intake of breath.
    “I’m sorry. Does it sting?” I asked.
    I can’t believe he is sitting in my car shirtless. I didn’t pay attention to when he removed his shirt until I saw it under my wrist. I know my brain stopped to function at that moment. His lean muscle s rippled with each movement he made. I leered a bit more at his defined pecks and… oh god… six pack abs. If I wasn’t crushing on him before I absolutely am now.
    “There that should have cleaned it off. Don’t forget to put some stuff on it when you get home or it’ll get infected.” He cautioned. I just sat there incapable of speech and nodded my head. I glanced down at my phone sitting in its docking station I had twenty min utes left until Jess showed up.
    Biting my lip to keep my head on straight, I asked him. “Do you have another shirt to wear or jacket for your ride home?”
    He smirked at me that dimple making an appearance. “Yes, I have another shirt in my bag on my bike. Actually, hold on a sec. I think I have a first aid kit in there as well.” He hopped out of the car and ran over to his bike. He started it and parked it next to my car. After turning it off, he rummaged through the saddlebag on the side. Found the shirt and first aid kit. He put the wrinkled shirt on much to my disappointment and sat back in the car with the first aid kit opened. “Give me your arm.”
    I placed my arm back on the console. He took out an alcohol pad and wiped the scratch. I hissed at the sudden stinging. His cornflower blue gaze caught mine as he blew on the area to take away the sting. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from sighing and swallowed. After putting some antibacterial ointment on it, he placed a band-aid over the place. “Thank you.” I said breathlessly.
    “Glad I could be of help.” He grinned. Dam mit there is that dimple again.
    “So why did your family move from Louisiana?” I asked trying to get my mind off the chiseled body underneath the white shirt.
    “My dad got a better paying job. One that would allow my mom to stay at home with us kids. So we held a family meeting and voted on coming up here.” He explained putting the stuff back in the kit.
    “That’s cool. Do you miss it much?”
    “All the time. Especially my

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