Tantric Sex for Men: Making Love a Meditation
and get up perfectly refreshed. If I don’t ejaculate I can go on making love for hours and hours. Of course I don’t mean the boring “in and out” that we usually mean by making love. I mean following the energy, allowing the energy to guide me to move, to slow down, to stop . . . I wait, feeling what happens in my and her body, feeling the exchange of energy that goes through my penis.
The most important thing for me is to be relaxed. When I feel pleasure rising intensely, I have to remember to relax, rather than becoming tense as I normally would. It is particularly important to keep the muscles of the anus relaxed and soft, not tight and contracted. This expansion allows energy to go free, rather than being obstructed there: if the energy can’t find the space to go up, it will be forced to go down into an ejaculation.
The other important thing is meditation. I’ve noticed that this type of orgasm is more likely to happen when I’m meditating regularly.
I don’t think that technical knowledge about tantra is particularly important. That first time, in 1993, I was so completely ignorant about tantra that I was surprised and puzzled about what was happening to me, and thought I might be ill. I had to wait for years, till I met you both in 2000, to learn more about the circulation of energy in and between male and female bodies.

Tantric Inspiration
Tantra says do not try to escape; there is no escape possible. Rather, use nature itself to transcend. Don’t fight—accept nature in order to transcend it. If this communion with your beloved or your lover is prolonged with no end in mind, then you can just remain in the beginning. Excitement is energy. You can lose it; you can come to a peak. Then the energy is lost and a depression will follow, a weakness will follow. You take it as relaxation, but it is negative.
Tantra gives you a dimension of higher relaxation, which is positive. Both partners melting with each other give vital energy to each other. They become a circle, and their energy begins to move in a circle. They are giving life to each other, renewing life. No energy is lost. Rather, more energy is gained because through the contact with the opposite sex your every cell is challenged, excited.
And if you can merge into that excitement without leading it to a peak, if you can remain in the beginning without becoming hot, just remaining warm, then those two warmths will meet and you can prolong the act for a very long time. With no ejaculation, with no throwing energy out, it becomes a meditation, and through it you become whole. Through it your split personality is no more split: it is bridged.


    Much of the confusion and misunderstanding that occurs between men and women results from ignorance regarding our true differences. These deep-seated differences shape our respective roles during sexual communion. With insight into these differences we can begin to work together to reveal and unleash our sexual potential.
    For deeper insight into our human potential we refer to information contained in the Tantras (the tantric scriptures), sacred knowledge from the ancients. These ancient sources contain compelling information that rightfully should be passed down from one generation to the next.

Fig. 4.1. Inner magnets of man and woman, showing poles, magnetic rods, and potential circular energy flow (in yab-yum position).
    Male and Female Aspects within the Individual
    The previous chapter explained the way in which each human being can be likened to a magnet, with a male and a female pole energetically linked by a rod of magnetism that, when awakened, gives rise to an inner electromagnetic streaming. This subtle internal by-product of the inner male and female forces at play within us represents our innate bisexual reality, and represents the very

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