Tell My Dad

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Book: Tell My Dad by Ram Muthiah Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ram Muthiah
eye movement. Just then, he felt like someone had put his head inside a bonfire. “Fuck…” He dropped the phone, put both his hands on his head, and knelt down on the floor. Someone grabbed his neck, pulled him up, and threw an elbow strike to the center of his head. He wasn’t sure if someone had attacked him or if the vodka was doing its magic. He fell on his face on the hardwood floor and tasted varnish.

    * * *
    H arrison looked straight at the people on the bed. He wasn’t sure if the girl was half-awake. The boy on her right jumped off the bed. He was six-foot-two, well-built, and looked like a quarterback.
    “Who the hell are you? Who let you in here?” Ray started shouting as he moved forward. He looked at Dave, who was flat on the floor, with disgust and fear.
    Harrison twisted his neck, generating a bone-cracking sound, and stared at Ray without saying a word.
    “You’re in big trouble, asshole.” Infuriated, Ray threw a punch at Harrison, who quickly moved to his left and let Ray’s hand pass by the right side of his face. Then, Harrison threw a hard punch with his palm. The punch landed right below Ray’s bottom teeth. Ray felt the blood on his lips.
    Now, Harrison threw his right elbow with full force at Ray’s head, which was the final blow in Ray’s life.
    Harrison pulled a knife from under the robe and slid it through Ray’s neck. Lifeless, Ray fell down like a slaughtered sheep.
    It took a few seconds to sink in for Dima. He had been close friends with Dave since kindergarten. When the principal had decorated the school notice board with Tracy’s picture, he provoked Dave. “Lot of girls may fall for you, but not this one. She’s too nerdy for you!”
    Dave took that as a challenge and took baby steps to gain her trust and make her come to the party. Just like they planned, she was drunk and was only a few inches away from him but still not touchable.
    “Who are you, man? Get the hell out of here. There’s no money here.” Dima wasn’t sure whether that was the smart thing to say. He was too nervous to think of anything meaningful. He just wanted to open the door and run. When he saw the monk in a red robe walking toward him with a gun, he could not control it. He peed in his pants.

Chapter 12
    S an Jose Police Detective Wong scanned the room one more time. Two guys on the floor, one guy on the bed. Two had been shot in the head, and one died from a knife wound to the neck. The killer took time to write something on each victim’s forehead.
    There were multiple shoeprints on the floor. It was going to take some time to sort out which ones belonged to the killer. The killer could have entered from the balcony or from the front door. There was no one alive in the room to talk about it.
    He looked at Detective Montgomery, who was taking notes on a small scratch pad with a blue Pilot pen. “There were similar murders in the Bay Area. Girls were abducted and sedated. All kidnappers get killed eventually. Killer seems to have focused his gun on their private parts. Weird. Same warning is written on all the dead guys. There’s a pattern here. It’s obvious that we have one butcher out there slaughtering all these guys. I just don’t understand how the killer knows so much about kidnappers before we do.” Wong sighed.
    “ This girl …” Montgomery pointed at the empty bed as if Tracy were still there. “The girl was not kidnapped. All these kids came here for a party. There was a 911 call from one of these guys. When we came in here, it was a total mess,” he said.
    “Did anyone speak on that call?”
    “Yes. Someone spoke in a robotic voice as per the operator, giving the address of this house.”
    “Whose house is it?”
    “Millers. Big shot in real estate. His wife is a former fashion model. They’re out of town.” Montgomery pointed at Dave, who lay dead in the pool of blood. “Their only son arranged this party. I doubt if the parents know

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