could have a romantic dinner,
baby. I brought Thai and have everything set up.” Holly turned her gaze toward
Mona. “Didn’t you have something to do tonight?”
No, she didn’t, but she would find something to
do, even if it meant walking down to the park and killing the time while the
two of them no doubt fucked. Before she could answer, Isaac spoke.
“I didn’t know you were coming over, Holly.” The
way he said it, almost as if scolding a child, had Mona smiling internally. She
had noticed that his patience with Holly seemed to be wearing thinner and
thinner. Maybe he was finally seeing her true colors?
“I brought dinner for Mona and me because I knew
Kara would be out tonight.”
“Baby.” Holly’s high-pitched whine was like
nails on a chalkboard. “I was hoping it could just be the two of us tonight.”
Isaac didn’t even respond. Holly followed him
into the kitchen and Mona contemplated slipping out the front door, but before
she could take a step Isaac was standing in the doorway.
“Come on, Mona. I bought Italian.” Her favorite,
but of course he would know that.
“I don’t want to intrude on your time together.”
She peeked around his shoulder and saw Holly glaring at her. Oh, that was icing
on the cake, and all that did was make Mona want to stay. “But if you insist.”
Okay, so maybe it was childish, but a spark of pleasure coursed through her
veins at the knowledge that she was ruining Holly’s night. There was just
something about her that didn’t sit right with Mona.
Day in and day out Holly’s attitude toward her
became darker and darker. Mona had been able to ignore it to an extent, but it
seemed once Holly had found out she was living with Isaac and Kara, the snide
remarks, dirty looks, and down right rude demeanor had Mona going from
uncomfortable to pissed off.
The three of them sat around the table and ate
in silence for a good ten minutes. The tension was thick, so thick Mona could
feel it in the air. She glanced up and saw Holly glaring at her. The urge to
ask what her problem was rose to the surface, but Mona fought it down. It
wouldn’t do any good anyway.
Isaac tried to make small talk, but he was
either blind to the tension or didn’t care. Either way Mona was ready to get
out of there. She quickly finished eating and took her plate to the sink.
“Thanks for dinner, but I’ll leave you two
alone.” She left the kitchen and gripped the handle of the front door. Where
the hell was she going to go?
“Mona?” She turned around and looked at Isaac.
“You don’t have to go just because Holly is here.” His voice was pitched low,
but not too low that Holly wouldn’t be able to hear if she really wanted to.
“It’s alright, really.” Before he could say
anything else, she opened the door and left. She walked quickly down the
street, not knowing exactly where to go, but knowing she needed to get far
Chapter Nine
Several hours passed before Mona headed back to
the house. Hopefully she wouldn’t walk in on anything that would give her
nightmares, but it was starting to get chilly and the swings at the park only
offered so much amusement.
When she reached the house, she noticed Holly’s
car was gone. Kara’s car was still missing and all the lights seemed to be off
in the house. She checked her watch, saw it was only eleven, and wondered why
Isaac and Holly had called it a night.
When she opened the door the sound of the
grandfather clock chiming filled the foyer. A dim glow from the kitchen
illuminated the hallway. Everything was so still. She moved closer to the
stairs and noticed the television on yet there was no sound. When she entered
the living room she spied Isaac on the couch, his back toward her, his feet
propped on an ottoman. Mona took a few more steps into the living room, trying
to be quiet because the last thing she wanted was to wake him.
When she was close enough to really see him her
mouth went dry. He wasn’t in