Texas Wild

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Book: Texas Wild by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
Tags: Romance
jeans. She watched as his hazel eyes became a frosty green. “I
will never take that call.”
    She released a slow, steady breath, feeling his anger as if it
were a personal thing. She was glad it wasn’t directed at her. She wondered what
the woman had done to deserve such animosity from him. At the moment, Megan
didn’t care because she had her own problems. Rico Claiborne had made her lose
control. He had kissed her, and she had kissed him back.
    And rather enjoyed it.
    Dread had her belly quaking and her throat tightening when she
realized she wasn’t an iceberg after all. Rico had effectively thawed her.
    She drew in a deep breath, furious with herself for letting
things get out of hand when she’d boasted and bragged about the control she had.
All it had taken was one blazing kiss to make a liar out of her. It was a fluke,
it had to be. He had caught her off guard. She didn’t enjoy kissing him as much
as she wanted to think she did.
    Then why was she licking her lips and liking the taste he’d
left behind? She glanced over and saw he’d been watching her and was following
the movement of her tongue. Her fingers knotted into a fist at her side, and she
narrowed her gaze. “I think you need to leave.”
    “No problem, now that I’ve proven my point. You’re as
passionate as you are beautiful, Megan. Nothing’s changed. I still want you, and
now that I’ve gotten a taste, I want you even more. So take my warning, don’t
come to Texas.”
    A part of Megan knew that if she was smart, she would take his
warning. But the stubborn part of her refused to do so. “I’m going to Texas,
    He didn’t say anything for a long moment, just stood there and
held her gaze. Finally, he said, “Then I guess I’ll be seeing you at some point
while you’re there. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
    Rico strode away and, before opening the door to leave, he
grabbed his jacket off the coatrack. He turned, smiled at her, winked and then
opened the door and walked out.
    Megan took a deep breath to calm her racing heart. She had a
feeling that her life, as she’d always known it, would never, ever be the same.
Heaven help her, she had tasted passion and already she was craving more.

    U pon arriving at Megan’s place early Friday
morning, Ramsey glanced down at the two overpacked traveling bags that sat in
the middle of her living room. “Hey, you’re planning on coming back, aren’t
you?” he asked, chuckling.
    Megan smiled and tapped a finger to her chin. “Umm, I guess I
will eventually. And those bags aren’t that bad.”
    “They aren’t? I bet I’ll strain my back carrying them out to
the truck. And how much you want to bet they’re both overweight and you’ll pay
plenty when you check them in at the airport.”
    “Probably, but that’s fine. A lot of it is baby stuff I bought
for Alyssa. She’s having a girl and you know how I like buying all that frilly
stuff.” He would know since his two-year-old daughter, Susan, had been the first
female born to the Denver Westmorelands since Bailey. Megan simply adored her
niece and would miss her while away in Texas.
    She looked up at Ramsey, her oldest brother, the one she most
admired along with her cousin Dillon. “Ram?”
    He looked over at her after taking a sip of the coffee she’d
handed him as soon he had walked through the door. “Yes?”
    “I was a good kid while growing up, wasn’t I? I didn’t give you
and Dillon any trouble, right?”
    He grinned, reached out and pulled one of her curls. “No,
sport, you didn’t give us any trouble. You were easier to handle than Bailey,
the twins and Bane. But everyone was easier than those four.”
    He paused a moment and added, “And unlike a lot of men with
sisters, I never once had to worry about guys getting their way with the three
of you. You, Gemma and Bail did a good job of keeping the men in line
yourselves. If a guy became a nuisance, you three would make them haul ass the
other way.

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