The Adventure at Baskerville Hall & Other Cases

The Adventure at Baskerville Hall & Other Cases by Kate Lear Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Adventure at Baskerville Hall & Other Cases by Kate Lear Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Lear
evening's dramatic revelations, which had surprised even Holmes, Gregson and Leverton escorted Signora Lucca back to her room in Mrs. Warren's house to tell her story. I had been on the point of following them out of the door when Holmes stopped Gregson with a hand on his arm.
    "There are a few small points I should like to investigate about this room, Gregson," he said airily. "Nothing that could help the case, it is merely to satisfy my own curiosity. Dr. Watson and I will join you shortly."
    As their footsteps died away, Holmes closed the door behind them and pulled me out of that dreadful room with the corpse on the floor – sadly I am no stranger to violent death, but there was something terrible about the expression on the dead man's face – and through a door that opened into a small antechamber. Closing it behind us, he leaned back against it, looking flushed, and only then did he address me.
    "Do you have any idea, Watson, how inexpressibly satisfying it is to draw logical conclusions based on a series of facts – facts which are freely available but seemingly indecipherable to all and sundry – and then to have each and every one of them confirmed before your very eyes?"
    I bit my lip to keep from openly laughing at the look of exultation he wore.
    "Not directly, no," I replied dryly. "But I believe that by now I may have acquired a vicarious idea of the feeling you describe."
    His eyes skated over me greedily, and the banked invitation behind his look of self-satisfaction grew more blatant. "Come here," he requested softly.
    I knew exactly what he had in mind – no man would have taken up Holmes's profession were it not that danger and intrigue attracted him – but I felt that it would not do to give in too readily, despite the way my breathing grew short and my chest tightened.
    "You do realise that we are directly opposite a room in which even now, two detectives are making themselves comfortable and awaiting us?"
    He gave a one-shoulder shrug that said, as clearly as if he had spoken, that it was all one to him, and that they might wait all evening for all he cared.
    "Furthermore, we have no key for the door to this room."
    Nevertheless, when he held out a hand to me I could not stop myself crossing the room to take it. He drew it to his lips and planted a kiss in my palm before answering.
    "This small chamber is out of the line of sight of the window opposite, I made quite sure of that before I propositioned you. I find you irresistibly attractive, my dear man, but please be assured that I would never compromise your safety. As for the door, we have our combined weight leaning against it" (it was quite true, for I was pressed up snugly against him by this point) "and so I hardly think anyone would be able to enter without giving us at least some warning."
    While he pointed out the precautions he had taken, he had unfastened my cuff, pushed my sleeve back and was trailing kisses from my palm along to the sensitive skin of my wrist and inner arm. As I felt his mouth caressing the pulse that was hammering beneath my skin, I capitulated. He knew even before I leaned in to kiss him, judging from the wicked grin he gave me, and he murmured in appreciation as he felt my fingers working at his belt.
    As I had expected, he was already hard beneath his clothes and his hands ran over my chest and shoulders as I quickly and efficiently loosened his underclothes. I drew his cock out and wrapped my fingers around him, stroking him firmly. This was not the time for tender caresses, and a slow, gentle seduction. What he was asking me for, in his own, silent way, was an immediate release.
    My fist sped on his erection as I felt him leaking his pleasure against my fingers, and when his mouth separated from my own, his head falling back against the door as he sucked in air and his hips began to thrust into my grip, I sucked at the skin of his throat. I was careful not to leave a mark, as it would have been fatal to both of

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