Guild. He could not have had that much power left. Not enough to level a city.”
“Perhaps you’re underestimating him, as the Guild of the time clearly did.”
The young magician’s eyebrows rose expectantly. Dannyl almost smiled at the challenge. Lorkin had been an intelligent novice, willing to question all of his teachers.
“Perhaps I am.” Dannyl looked down at the small pile of documents and books. “The Guild … well, it is as though they didn’t set out only to wipe out all knowledge of black magic, but also the embarrassing fact that a mere apprentice had nearly destroyed them. If it weren’t for Recordkeeper Gilken, we wouldn’t even have the books Akkarin found to tell us what happened.”
Gilken had saved and buried information about black magic out of fear that the Guild would need it for the land’s defence one day.
We had five hundred years of peace in which to forget about the stash, that we had ever used black magic at all, and that over the mountains our ancient enemy, Sachaka, still practised it. If Akkarin hadn’t found the stash – and learned black magic – we would now be dead or slaves.
“The final pile,” Lorkin said. Dannyl saw that Lorkin was looking at a thick, leather-bound notebook at the end of the table.
“Yes.” Dannyl picked it up. “It contains the stories I collected from those who witnessed the Ichani Invasion.”
“Including my mother’s?”
“Of course.”
Lorkin nodded, then smiled wryly. “Well, that must be the one part of history you don’t need to do more research on.”
“No,” Dannyl agreed.
The young magician’s gaze moved across the piles of books, documents and records. “I’d like to read what you have. And … is there a way I can help with the research?”
Dannyl regarded Lorkin in surprise. He would never have guessed that Sonea’s son had an interest in history. Perhaps the young man was bored and looking for something to put his mind to. He might lose interest quickly, especially once he realised that Dannyl had already exhausted all sources of information. There was little chance either of them would ever fill the gaps in history.
If he loses interest, there will be no harm done. I can’t see why I shouldn’t let him give it a try.
And a fresh eye, a different approach, might unveil new discoveries.
And it would be good to have someone here in Kyralia familiar with the work Dannyl had done so far, if he decided to leave to pursue any new sources of information.
Which might happen sooner rather than later.
Since the Ichani Invasion, Sachaka and Kyralia had been watching each other closely. Fortunately, both sides were keen to avoid future conflicts. Both had sent an Ambassador and an assistant to the other country. No other magicians were allowed to cross the border, however.
Dannyl had questioned the Guild Ambassadors sent to Sachaka over the years, asking them to seek out material for his book. They had provided some information, but they did not know what to look for, and what they sent had contained tantalising hints at uncensored records with a fresh perspective on historical events.
The position of Ambassador became available every few years, but Dannyl hadn’t applied for it. Partly because he had been afraid to. The thought of entering a land of black magicians was daunting. He was used to taking for granted that he was one of the powerful people in his society. In Sachaka he would not only be weak and vulnerable, but by all accounts Sachakan higher magicians regarded magicians who did not know black magic with distaste, distrust or derision.
They were growing used to the idea though, he’d been told. They treated Guild Ambassadors with more respect these days. They’d even protested when the most recent Ambassador had to return to Kyralia, due to problems with his family’s finances. They had actually grown to like him.
Which left a gap open for a new Ambassador that Dannyl found too hard to resist. He had