"I'll have a White
"A scotch with ice and a
White Lady, please."
"I must say Vera, I was
pleasantly surprised to receive your invitation, I'm not used to such lavish
"It’s something you can
aspire to very easily. Wealth can be assumed, and then taken for granted; it’s
a type of game with some people."
"Maybe so Vera.”
“I must tell you how
beautiful you are, you are full of surprises. The first day I met you I could
never have imagined such beauty was lurking beneath such an austere façade, and
a titled lady also."
She turned as the waiter
stood with his silver tray.
"Our drinks Henry."
Henry tipped the waiter; he
imagined it was the ‘done thing’.
Vera looked over her
cocktail glass with approval; her full painted lips as she sipped her drink was
the most sensual act Henry had ever witnessed.
A distinguished man strode
through the lounge, and seeing Vera he waved, "wonderful to see you
looking so elegant my dear."
"Don’t forget to post me
your latest scribbling," she replied.
"You're top of my
"Do you recognize that
jolly old sport? He's one of my favorite people."
"He looks familiar but
I can't put a name to the face."
"Somerset Maugham. I'm
sure you've read some of his novels; my favorite is Of Human Bondage. I
don’t think he'll publish anymore, he's more or less retired."
"It's a book I've heard
of but not read."
A waiter came over and told
them their table in The Krugg Room was ready. It was a stunning room of red
leather and contemporary glass. Henry realized there was another world most
ordinary people dream of but never even see. The menu was a wonder of English
and French language, but he managed to order properly. He let Vera order the
wine confessing he wasn't a wine buff. Her choice was superb - another
indication of her cultured background.
Small talk brought them to
the coffee, when Vera saw Henry eyeing the beautiful ring on her finger she
thrust her small delicate right hand across the table to him. "What do you
see that so intrigues you, is it this precious stone of loneliness and
tears?" The magnificent emerald set between two rubies and two diamonds
was breathtaking. Her delicate finger seemed inadequate to hold it. "It's
beautiful Vera, is it something you inherited?"
"I suppose you must
assume that, seeing it’s not on my wedding finger. It did rightfully sit there
lustfully and proud. Does that surprise you, because I truly loved all that
life could offer? It was my engagement ring. I was to be married to Lord Percy
Welland. The date was set and the June wedding was just ten months away; the
wedding reception was to be held at Percy's six thousand acre estate, Thurrock
Hall, his home and my future home. I was twenty years old and madly in love, he
was my first and only lover. You see, his parents were both deceased, and I was
mistress of
Thurrock Hall in all but name. I still retained my position at my present
employer, but of course, Percy owned most of its share capital, so in fact, I
was working for my future family business. I spent all of my weekends at Thurrock
Hall, much to the chagrin of my parents; I being their only daughter with a
doting father. It wasn't proper you know for a young lady to spend overnight
time in the house of her intended un-chaperoned.
You seem perturbed as to why
I'm telling you all this personal biography, but bear with me, the part of
interest to you will follow in due course."
"I'm a good listener
Vera, you just carry on."
“Now, where was I?”
Oh yes, I spending time at
Thurrock Hall living the immoral life. Of course, I shared the big four poster bed
with Percy and we unashamedly made love to the knowledge and gossip of the
servants, especially one old crone who seemed to be as old as the building.
Percy said as young children they called her "Old Mam Butler". She
was stricter with them than their mother. They also saw more of her than their
mother - she really did rear them. She
Gerry Davis, Alison Bingeman