undoubtedly inspired the commercial. God, what a knockout! My cock stirred at the sight of her and I remembered she wasn’t wearing panties. Christ. What did she look like totally naked? Sprawled out on my conference room table? Trying to imagine, I squirmed in my chair as my cock strained against my pants. I hoped no one thought I had jock itch as I gave her an order. “Princess, cancel the staff meeting and keep my afternoon clear tomorrow.”
“Princess?” repeated Clint, scrunching her face in disgust.
Whoops. I slipped. I shouldn’t have called my Olive that. It was unprofessional, but there was nothing I could do about it.
“Yes, sir,” she answered quickly, allowing me the opportunity to not have to respond to Clint. I was going to have a come to Jesus meeting with her soon if she didn’t change her attitude. Or maybe fire her sorry ass. I’d had enough of her. And though her marketing plan had initially stalled our falling sales, her efforts now were doing nothing to stop our marketplace erosion. She was walking on eggshells.
“Whatever,” she mumbled under her breath in defeat. Clint didn’t like to lose. That was one thing we had in common. And besides her father’s pull, the one thing that kept her tethered to the company. Time would tell.
After setting up the casting session for tomorrow at noon, I adjourned the meeting, dismissing a miffed Clint.
I got up and shut the door, making sure to lock it.
I had the conference room all to myself. And my Olive.
My cock was raging, about to burst through my pants. It was time to christen my new conference room table.
“W hat are you doing?” I asked Olive as she cleared the platter of donuts from the table. My eyes stayed on her big, gorgeous heart-shaped ass. Made for a man’s grip and ready for my love.
“I’m straightening up and then I’m going right back to my desk to send out an email canceling tomorrow’s staff meeting. I’ll just need you to tell me who should be on the list.”
“The email can wait. But I can’t.”
She spun around. A look of innocence colored her face. It so turned me on.
“Get over here.”
Obediently, she strolled over to me. I stood up. Next to my six-foot-four frame, she seemed so petite. She was one delicious little bundle and my hunger for her was gnawing at me.
“Look at me.”
“Yes, sir?” she said as she lifted her eyes.
“Do you know how hard it was for me to be in that meeting when all I could think about was you naked, sprawled out on the conference room table?”
She shook her head. “No, sir.”
“Then let me show you.” In a split-second, I undid my fly and shoved the lower half of my two thousand dollar suit to my ankles. Kicking off my loafers, I climbed out of my pants. Olive’s eyes shifted down to the rigid hunk of flesh between my legs. A bead of pre-cum was already dotting the tip.
“Oh my,” she chirped, her wide eyes roaming down my long hairy muscular legs and then back up to my cock.
“You have very big feet,” she murmured, the flush of her arousal washing over her sweet angelic face.
“Yes, I do.” I wore a size 15EEEE and had to have my shoes custom made just like my suits. My size came with its inconveniences, but the benefits more than made up for them. I glanced down. If cocks came in shoe sizes, mine might be the same.
“And I have something else that’s very big.”
Her rosebud lips formed a smile as her puppy-like eyes hung on to me. “Yes, sir. You do. You have a very big heart.”
I blinked hard. Those were the last words I expected. No one had ever told me that except my mother. After she died, my heart hardened. I became a brute of a football player and then a tyrant of a businessman, growing the little donut shop she’d started with my father into an empire. While I gave generously to a breast cancer foundation in memory of her and offered free donuts to underprivileged kids in schools around the country, my heart had tight
Patrick Swayze, Lisa Niemi
Andy Duncan and Ellen Klages