The Billionaire's Desire 2: Dubai Confidental

The Billionaire's Desire 2: Dubai Confidental by Ashley Blake Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Billionaire's Desire 2: Dubai Confidental by Ashley Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Blake
Tags: Romance
if I did well with this task, it would be an incredible start for me
to get recognition here in the Dubai office.  I contacted Conrad and told him I
would have to reschedule dinner because I was swamped and he was very

                CHAPTER FIVE           
                The next two weeks were
brutal.  Everyone was working long hours and there was no time for
socializing.  Conrad kept trying to schedule dinner and I just didn’t have the
time.  I was working until midnight every night.
                One afternoon, the following
week, I was buried deep in my analysis of Jameson numbers when I was snapped
out of my trance-like concentration by a light tap on my door.  I looked up to
see Jake’s smiling face.  I gave him a huge smile.
                “What a nice surprise!”
                “I wanted to see if you want
to take a coffee break.  It’s so nuts around here.”
                “I would love to.”  I grabbed
my purse and we walked to the elevator.
                “There is a little café next
door, if you don’t mind being in the heat for a couple of minutes as we walk
                “Not at all.  It will be nice
to see new faces.”
                We went to the café which was
really cute and quaint.  It was nearly 2:00 so it wasn’t packed, which was
nice.  We got our coffees and grabbed seats near the window.  We were right
under a fan which was blowing cool air on us.
                “So, are you feeling
overwhelmed yet?”  He adjusted his suit jacket as he got comfortable. 
                “Surprisingly, no.  I am
trying to soak up as much information as I can.  This is my dream job so I love
what I am doing.”
                He raised his eyebrows and
gave me a little smile.
                “Dream job, huh? That’s
fantastic.  I can understand why you say that.  I think you have to love the
finance industry to be in it long term.  And from what I have heard about you,
you have long term goals.”
                “Oh?  What have you heard
about me?”  I felt like we’d known each other forever.  Jake was so easy to
talk to. 
                “My brother raves about you.” 
                Raves about me?  I need to
hear this!
                “He says that he had never had
such a bright, promising intern in the program before.  I, personally, have
never seen him happier.  Normally, he dreads the long trips.  This time he
didn’t.  I think you might be the reason.”  His eyes twinkled a bit when he
said that.  The expression on his face reminded me of the expression Samira had
on her face when she told me there was a buzz about me around the office.
                I didn’t know how to respond
so I just sat there, cheeks flushed, as I drank the hot, rich liquid.
                “You seem to bring out the
human side of him, Sarah.  Joshua has always been extremely focused on work. 
Even as kids he didn’t like to play a lot.  He’s always had a very stoic
demeanor.”  That explains why he is so cold sometimes.   “But around you,
he is different.  Everyone sees it but no one would dare say anything to him. 
It’s refreshing to see him so happy.”  I wanted to shout with happiness.  Could
it be that Joshua had true feelings for me?
                “After our father died, he
took on a lot of responsibility keeping the company going.  Mother was so
distraught she didn’t know what to do.  Joshua stepped in and took care of
everything.  I was still in college so I wasn’t much help at the time. 
Sometimes I think he feels he missed out on a lot of life because he had so
much responsibility at a young age.  But his experiences also made him the
strong person he is today.  Mother still relies on him for many things.  He

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